Is there a joke here beyond the simple situation presented in the comic? I love this one because it implies a story, a long story, without actually giving any hints.
On your itouch turn off the pictures. In it’s place will be the alt. Or veiw the page source and look for something that looks like . One last thing you could do is get a real media device, and not a toy for an ADD three your old. If none of that worked, you are easily manipulated by tv, and it says “One of God’s own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”
Nice Hunter Thompson reference in the alt-dealie, there.
Still one of the best ever, I can’t help but grin everytime I see this one.
ah, by far the best! gonzo chicken
The alt-text makes me so happy <3.
what is this “alt text everyone talks about? i just stumbled across this site yesterday…
leave your mouse on the comic for a second or two…the alt text should pop up .
just hold your mouse over the comic
The text that appears when you hover your pointer over the comic.
I’m on my itouch and have no mouse.
When you hold your mouse over the comic long enough, words should magically appear…. in case you didn’t see the several responses above this one
Is there a joke here beyond the simple situation presented in the comic? I love this one because it implies a story, a long story, without actually giving any hints.
On your itouch turn off the pictures. In it’s place will be the alt. Or veiw the page source and look for something that looks like . One last thing you could do is get a real media device, and not a toy for an ADD three your old. If none of that worked, you are easily manipulated by tv, and it says “One of God’s own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”
I had to lol.
He seems pretty “cocky”
Where I come from, rare means weird. When it said: ”Too weird to live and too rare to die” I was like wtf?!
universally speaking, rare means unique, or close to unique
ah, love me some fear and loathing in las vegas
Chicken legs. He should do some SQUATS.
So this is where that whole “Birds with Arms” thing started.
Well, they had to cope with Cats with Hands some way…