Entrapment is when an officer persuades somebody to commit a crime they would not normally commit
Ex A
In the 80s, An officer sent a normal guy child porn. The guy began “exploring his sexuality” by dling child porn. They busted him but the guy claims entrapment b/c he wouldn’t have “begun his journey” without the initial supplying of porn. Got off scot free.
PS He was later arrested for attempting to molest a child.
Providing an opportunity to commit crime is not entrapment (por example sting ops)
We were uploading and downloading UUEncoded pictures on usenet in the 1980s. You young whippersnappers seem to think that downloading porn is something you thought up. Why, I oughta…
I honestly think he knew that… he simply mention that it’s entrapment.. not dealing out facts about how things have different names in different countries..
They use the dollar sign in Canada too. And Mexico. And Australia. And New Zealand. And that’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there are more. Thanks for playing, though
i thought the double stroke was just the “old way” of writing it.
goddamn maths teachers telling me LIES, i LOVE writing with double stroke, i guess i’m gonna have to move to america D: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhhhghghghgh
One theory is that the double-stroke on the American dollar started out as a very thin capital U. The symbol was intended to say “US”. Over time the lower loop, and then one of the strokes, was dropped.
Then again, another theory says that the double stroke was in use before was such a thing as a US. So much for that theory…
Actually, entrapment does not require persuasion. Entrapment includes creating a situation in which any normal non-criminal person would commit a crime. One judge summed it up as “your job is to catch criminals, not create them.”
An example is a bust that was being tried ~2 years ago, in which police left a bag in subway stations with a wallet, iphone, and some xbox games, readily visible. Everyone they caught got off on entrapment – although no persuasion was involved, any normal person would be tempted by ~$500 of goods left sitting, possibly forgotten, in a high-volume area.
The sad thing..I think they really tried this. And that someone was caught that way.
in the US they call that “entrapment”.
It’s not entrapment if you kill them. Only if you arrest them and charge them with something. This would just be plain ol’ fashion killin’.
Entrapment is when an officer persuades somebody to commit a crime they would not normally commit
Ex A
In the 80s, An officer sent a normal guy child porn. The guy began “exploring his sexuality” by dling child porn. They busted him but the guy claims entrapment b/c he wouldn’t have “begun his journey” without the initial supplying of porn. Got off scot free.
PS He was later arrested for attempting to molest a child.
Providing an opportunity to commit crime is not entrapment (por example sting ops)
JZ, how was he downloading porn in the 80’s, exactly?
He never said he was downloading.
Actually that’s exactly what he said
yeah he did dling = downloading (D.L.ing)
17 Dollars!
The box is getting smaller!!
And it smaller. Adios mio!
We were uploading and downloading UUEncoded pictures on usenet in the 1980s. You young whippersnappers seem to think that downloading porn is something you thought up. Why, I oughta…
He means its the cops initiation, not that they call entrapment “initiation” in a different country,
I honestly think he knew that… he simply mention that it’s entrapment.. not dealing out facts about how things have different names in different countries..
So if I go to America, I’m getting shot?
Only if you dress like a mime.
The answer to that, Annemarie would most likely be yes.
That’s got always true. I’ve lived in America my entire life and OH MY GOD IVE BEEN SHOT!
if you are chasing a bag full of money is some black pants, with a stripped shirt you’ll get shot. otherwise, just tased.
Who says it’s America?
the dollar sign says it’s america
They use the dollar sign in Canada too. And Mexico. And Australia. And New Zealand. And that’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there are more. Thanks for playing, though
But… um… They use different currencies…
It’s an american dollar, our Australian dollar only has one stroke through it.
i thought the double stroke was just the “old way” of writing it.
goddamn maths teachers telling me LIES, i LOVE writing with double stroke, i guess i’m gonna have to move to america D: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhhhghghghgh
what can I say. If you love the double-stroke, it’s best to keep it to your own bedroom, fella
I see what you did there, mister man. Very clever!
if this secret comic is true, then i have officially have at LEAST 10 lockers
It is the old way, we no longer use that here either
One theory is that the double-stroke on the American dollar started out as a very thin capital U. The symbol was intended to say “US”. Over time the lower loop, and then one of the strokes, was dropped.
Then again, another theory says that the double stroke was in use before was such a thing as a US. So much for that theory…
Mexico uses pesos
aww poor mime
all he wanted was someone to love him and give him free money!!
Oh, Those crafty cops
Entrapment is illegal in Sweden.
Actually, entrapment does not require persuasion. Entrapment includes creating a situation in which any normal non-criminal person would commit a crime. One judge summed it up as “your job is to catch criminals, not create them.”
An example is a bust that was being tried ~2 years ago, in which police left a bag in subway stations with a wallet, iphone, and some xbox games, readily visible. Everyone they caught got off on entrapment – although no persuasion was involved, any normal person would be tempted by ~$500 of goods left sitting, possibly forgotten, in a high-volume area.
Awww man, I miss all the good stuff!
Personally, if i saw a bag with some such items, i’d report it.. That’s a hell of a thing to lose, i wouldn’t want that sort of guilt :L
Jeez…sounds like the media….they don’t have enough news so they create some
This is both sad and funny
Poor littleguy and those cops are smart XD
A Mime is a wonderful thing to waste.
I’m speechless.
did anyone notice that the plice has a silenced revolver, wtf
Not completely silenced, I heard it go “CLICK”.
the 1895 Nagant is a revolver that can be equipped with a suppressor…the only one I can think of.
Pretty sure I’ve never heard of a cop carrying one. (Though, if you plan to kill somebody, you probably don’t want to use your issued weapon)
LOL at the expression on the face of the policeman that’s pulling the bag.
WTF that is just wrong on so many levels i mean what did that mime ever do to anyone.
Lmao. The comments make it soooo much better.
Who wouldn’t chase a big bag of money? ; A ;
i hate mime….they look like criminals!
“Curses! Foiled again by my lust for bags with dollar signs!”
So THAT’S why I never got a locker! I should have finished filling out the application.
It’s just a greedy mime!
To catch a predator. Exactly.