Before the bloody axe was mentioned, I thought it meant literally “Trapped” in Time, as the Viking(?) hasn’t moved a muscle in any of the panels. Not sure how he wrote the sign, or what good money would do, but still, I chuckled at my interpretation.
Hey, that would be actually pretty awesome if we got some money in the summer this way, by dressing as vikings/knights/whatever and putting a big “Trapped in Time, need money” sign. That’s a great idea!
Awesome- very subtle…
It was…Until you said that.
Extremely subtle.
The subtility is outrageous.
Doctor Who loses his Tartus
I’m pretty sure its Tardis
It’s ‘Tartar’
It’s ACTUALLY Tartare
No… it’s tortoise…
I think it’s spelt Tetris
Possibly Tartarus
Heh, notice on the third panel that the Vikings axe is now bloody.
wow you must be proud you noticed that.
Yeah… That was the joke.
u need a pat on the back
Well, I needed to read the comments to understand the joke. So I appreciate your help
Guys can’t we just bury the hatchet?
well played
Vikings are awesome
lol i didnt get it at first, but that awesome..
hah. without the first comment about subtility i wouldn’t have noticed.
took me a few readings to get it.
Why is the caveman in the secret comic wearing socks and shoes? That makes no sense
The shoes are to protect his feet and the socks are to make the shoes more comfortable and keep the inside relatively clean.
Isn’t the caveman in the secret comic wearing sneakers anyway? also he’s a brunette
that’s not a caveman! it’s a viking
It clearly tells you to hang out with a smelly caveman.
Does this viking have any relation to the time-traveling Navy-S.E.A.L.-becoming viking in that one romance series….?
The Lost Vikings
Wonder what happened to the other two…
this reminds me of lost vikings by dethklok vikings rule
go viking dude! id pay him
hahaha no joke no catch hahahahaha
my family be vikings! yusssssss!
haha i actually feel kinda sorry for viking dude………………if i was him i totally woulda chopped that guy’s head off too
i actually noticed immediately lol
shouldn’t he have more money in his cup after the kill?
Mr. Pringle is a busy man these days…
Would’ve been better if there were two dollars in the can in the last panel.
Man I remember these old games too.
Before the bloody axe was mentioned, I thought it meant literally “Trapped” in Time, as the Viking(?) hasn’t moved a muscle in any of the panels. Not sure how he wrote the sign, or what good money would do, but still, I chuckled at my interpretation.
very subtle, indeed, no one shall see the bloody axe in the third picture
that, is one of my favourite’s, really made me lol once I got it
Yes! XD I love the third panel. :3
Is this guy one of “The Lost Vikings” from the SNES-era game? Pretty sure they went through time.
Hey, that would be actually pretty awesome if we got some money in the summer this way, by dressing as vikings/knights/whatever and putting a big “Trapped in Time, need money” sign. That’s a great idea!
Viking helmets didn’t have horns, I always rage when i see that…
Awesome comic though, keep it up!
There should be a bloody wallet in the money can.
I never did lik conan o’brien with a mustache
you guys are so smart oi
Did enyone even notice the subtul fhish? It’s quite prevocative, if i dare say so myself.
Well, this is so subtle you might as well call him Subtle McSublteman!
You ppl need more Harry Harrison in your lives.
vikings don’t have horns on their helmet