It is lonely at the top.
but you eat better
I feel, in light of recent events, the alt text is even more perfect.
What is ALT Text? And where is it? Is it the text Below the comic?
Never mind… Figured it out!
This is so cute… lol
hammer time
can’t touch this
wa na-na-na… ugh… can’t touch this… wa na-na-na!
Definitely my favorite
lol, business students suck at life.
(it’s funny because it’s true.)
Hey now, one of my best friends is a business student!
…We have to at least be tolerant towards them. He said so.
Says the the person getting an arts degree or as I call it, a Starbucks degree.
haha…loved it!!!
A very sad comic
I dont like that smelly caveman in the hidden comic or his smelly nipple
what hidden comic
He gets his power from his huge throbbing nip.
in the name of love
And hate
oh yes, cute
Return of the butt cloud! It made its first appearance here:
(Its on the last panel)
Oh… T.T But the alt text somehow makes this hilarious. X3
what exactly is a hidden comic i’ve searched through it but cannot find one…
Next the stop sign changes to read “BURMA SHAVE”.
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It is lonely at the top.
but you eat better
I feel, in light of recent events, the alt text is even more perfect.
What is ALT Text? And where is it? Is it the text Below the comic?
Never mind… Figured it out!
This is so cute… lol
hammer time
can’t touch this
wa na-na-na… ugh… can’t touch this… wa na-na-na!
Definitely my favorite
lol, business students suck at life.
(it’s funny because it’s true.)
Hey now, one of my best friends is a business student!
…We have to at least be tolerant towards them. He said so.
Says the the person getting an arts degree or as I call it, a Starbucks degree.
haha…loved it!!!
A very sad comic
I dont like that smelly caveman in the hidden comic or his smelly nipple
what hidden comic
He gets his power from his huge throbbing nip.
in the name of love
And hate
oh yes, cute
Return of the butt cloud! It made its first appearance here:
(Its on the last panel)
Oh… T.T But the alt text somehow makes this hilarious. X3
what exactly is a hidden comic i’ve searched through it but cannot find one…
Next the stop sign changes to read “BURMA SHAVE”.