To the rescue!!!
*SNIFF* I detect the musky odor of sarcarm pervading the atmosphere in this comment section! For furthur insight-thanks to my pal C dub-take a close look at what the commentors named themselves in the context of the comic. UP AND AWAY!!!
I don’t think it was a mugging *snigger* I think it was a casual skeleton escort experience. The one without the cap is into knife play, of course! He had to do what he felt in his bone(s).
I don’t get it. It’s two skeletons and he’s gettin mugged. And? Why are little girls crying and people yelling? Maybe I’ve spent too much time in New York?
Who doesn’t love a happy ending that continues beyond the four visible panels?
…Skeletons, that’s who. Way to go, alienating your 3rd largest fan base, guys.
“alienating your 3rd largest fan base”
Yeah, seriously. Fuck you guys.
Get a browser that doesn’t suck, then
this is really insensitive i cant believe this shit
Really inappropriate. The Jewish Council Of Skeleton will be hearing about this.
Not Kosher at all…
That’s clearly a prison-Muslim hat on the one skeleton, not a jew-beanie.
A regular couple of jesters, aren’t you. Jerks.
alas poor yorick they will continue to rain insensitivity upon us until our mighty uprising
…In America.
Screw America, I have money!
don’t feed trolls, kids.
no duel monster were harmed in the making of these coments
Big brother, can I be in the movie too?
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio!
Loved the drawings… I would like a t-shirt plz!
Why are people mad about this? I don’t get it…
To the rescue!!!
*SNIFF* I detect the musky odor of sarcarm pervading the atmosphere in this comment section! For furthur insight-thanks to my pal C dub-take a close look at what the commentors named themselves in the context of the comic. UP AND AWAY!!!
Thank you Captain Obvious! You’ve saved the day once again!
Thank you CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! You’ve saved the day once again!
Woof woof, woof. Bark: woof bark, meow.
look at their names Lol
I wish real muggers were that friendly.
Real mature. Real, real mature.
This made my daughter cry you assholes. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.
Hah, You deadites are getting what you deserve. Back to hell, i say.
Do skeletons even wear pants? where would they their wallet?
isnt it cold? shouldnt they be wearing shirts? i mean, they have pants and hats…where’s the shirt??
What. Just happened?
People are so sensitive.
I don’t care what you people say. This comic is one of the best.
one of the best?!?! you insensitive prick! how could you!!
Easily. By not being an idiot and appreciating this comic for what it is.
wtf assholes, skeletons just want to be treated the same.
I don’t think it was a mugging *snigger* I think it was a casual skeleton escort experience. The one without the cap is into knife play, of course! He had to do what he felt in his bone(s).
I don’t get it.
Can somebody explain:
Is it too hard just to say please! Come on! Someone could have been hurt!
Hey people get a sense of hummor axe holes it’s a joke and I feel sorry for your daughter
Man I felt like I was reading some YouTube comments.
why do they have eye lids is my question
yeah!!! how the heck do they have eyelids lololol
I don’t get it. It’s two skeletons and he’s gettin mugged. And? Why are little girls crying and people yelling? Maybe I’ve spent too much time in New York?
In the seventh panel one of them is boning the other.