how is this true?… Seriously… I’m pretty good at history and the state of the world right now and I’ve never heard of a nation declarinc war on another because of a “buzzer gag”…
It’s just supposed to be a satirical exaggeration. World leaders nowadays (and pretty much as far back as human history can remember) can start wars over the most petty personal disagreements– anything from Jokebodia populating the southern border of Analville with whoopee cushion brigades to the Anavillian president spilling soup on the Jokebodian’s magic grow beans at a banquet. It’s just human nature to overcompensate for petty issues.
News paper (for people who don`t want to strain their eyes to read it):
…found in his [basement?]…
Several deaths have been linked to
a massive recall of it’s line of real snakes mislabeled as[in fact?] (im not sure what that last word is, fact doesn’t make sense.)
ANALVILLE – With only seconds before finalizing a treaty that would have ended the sixteen year conflict between Analville and jokebodia, an ill conceived buzzer gag resulted in an instant…
…efforts to rebuild.
Ok, late to the party, but just as I clicked the secret comic (about air raid joke) my town’s fire whistle started to go off… you guys are fuggin AWESOME! how’d you do that?
its sad how true this is lolololol
how is this true?… Seriously… I’m pretty good at history and the state of the world right now and I’ve never heard of a nation declarinc war on another because of a “buzzer gag”…
Because it’s cultural differences.
Yeah! “Fluffy”!!! You’re obviously from Analville …
Well said. Hahhaa
Hahaha it’s funny cause it’s true
It’s just supposed to be a satirical exaggeration. World leaders nowadays (and pretty much as far back as human history can remember) can start wars over the most petty personal disagreements– anything from Jokebodia populating the southern border of Analville with whoopee cushion brigades to the Anavillian president spilling soup on the Jokebodian’s magic grow beans at a banquet. It’s just human nature to overcompensate for petty issues.
I love this.
And you.
But mainly you.
I love pie…. And penguins.
You are clearly my soulmate as I also love those things.
apparently the line of fake real snakes weren’t FDA approved
That dude’s face as he points to the buzzer is GENIUS……I just keep laughing and laughing.
Oh, and I’ve found the hidden comics!
News paper (for people who don`t want to strain their eyes to read it):
…found in his [basement?]…
Several deaths have been linked to
a massive recall of it’s line of real snakes mislabeled as[in fact?] (im not sure what that last word is, fact doesn’t make sense.)
ANALVILLE – With only seconds before finalizing a treaty that would have ended the sixteen year conflict between Analville and jokebodia, an ill conceived buzzer gag resulted in an instant…
…efforts to rebuild.
You want to live with Wikipedia admins?
I want to know how Jokebodian soldiers fight.
I’d guess with rubber bullets and silly string. Maybe a confetti cannon and those guns that have a ‘BANG’ flag in them
you have to laugh to death in that fight
Analville vs. Jokebodia.
Batman vs. Joker???? perhaps????
I wonder what would happen if it were Analville declaring war on Anvilmania?
don’t lean in because he will squirt you.
Ok, late to the party, but just as I clicked the secret comic (about air raid joke) my town’s fire whistle started to go off… you guys are fuggin AWESOME! how’d you do that?
I believe the newspaper is referring to this?
What? NOBODY pointed out the genius of the Jokebodian representative wearing Groucho glasses & his assistant wearing a clown nose?
Kids today…
lol I thought it was too obvious to point out.
nc …….don’t blame me for what happen to them …i just want to have fun thats all! LOL
the secret comic comedian’s voice was definitely jerry seinfield.
You mean the presidential address?
Alternate Interpretation:
“My fisting hand!”
Check the picture in the newspaper in the last frame. XD
another secret!
our community is actually quite peaceful