But he didn’t save his name! How will people know of his achievement!?
Also, that’s a game I’d like to play, but don’t most arcade games run on a “life” system? I see no health bar on the.. I’ve said too much….
awww! I wanted to make a Richard Gere comment!!!! /cry
oh well.
Fifth panel: “Son, Richard Gere pays good money to people who can make hamsters have convulsions in tight spaces then crawl towards light.”
I remember this from a short story where the kid beats a game where he fights aliens, then Is approached by an agent who turns out to be an alien. The game weas a test so that anyone with the skill to beat it was killed so that humanity was helpless against the impending alien attack
Uh, no, it totally isn’t. It’s The Last Starfighter, as mentioned above.
If it were Ender’s Game, then Trenchcoat Man would show up because the kid had stomped another kid in the face, not because he was good at videogames. The games come after the kids are picked.
I do believe you got the idea from Godzilla 2000, its a book where some kid got a high score on a video game and the government hired him to kill godzilla. Awesome book.
:giggle: It’s also like the game that Randall’s playing in Clerks: The Animated Series where you’ve got to build pyramids and the feds come and take him away . . . . to build pyramids.
I’m not the real kevin smith, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying this comic
im mask de smith!
i know a Kevin Smith!
But he didn’t save his name! How will people know of his achievement!?
Also, that’s a game I’d like to play, but don’t most arcade games run on a “life” system? I see no health bar on the.. I’ve said too much….
Raven, you really are a bit slow aren’t you.
I think it’s you who is. Pretty obvious Raven isn’t serious.
That’s so Raven…
Sometimes i do something and i think “that’s so raven” but sometimes i do things and i think “that wasn’t very raven at all”…
thats so raven……… ive said to much…..
i loved the Last Starfighter
The hidden comic is hilarious.
Scroll over the comic and gold your mouse there and some words will come up.
that’s alt-text, hidden comic is in the right side of the strip panel. Big ass “?” will appear when you mouse over.
They didn’t give him enough time to put “A S S” as his high score name
Richard Gere wears a fedora.
awww! I wanted to make a Richard Gere comment!!!! /cry
oh well.
Fifth panel: “Son, Richard Gere pays good money to people who can make hamsters have convulsions in tight spaces then crawl towards light.”
Now come on admit it, how many of you clicked the red button in the hidden comic to see if the game would do something?
Nope. If it was a gif, maybe, or something. But it was just a jpeg.
Hamster trainer 2 is an awesome game you know…
The first game of the series was better.
Coming next year . . . Hamster Training 3: The Return of the Bullwhip!
I’m loving the Homestar Runner Slug.
Is the joke that he’s a pedophile? It is isn’t it.
no, no it’s not. it’s from a movie called the last starfighter. the joke is what the game is. hamster trainer.
I thought it was about ender’s game
yeah i thought it was ender’s game too
I remember this from a short story where the kid beats a game where he fights aliens, then Is approached by an agent who turns out to be an alien. The game weas a test so that anyone with the skill to beat it was killed so that humanity was helpless against the impending alien attack
the secret comic for this is in another normal comic
The govt. is going to put his hamster training skills to use to train a secret army of hamsters to defend our national security interests!
sounds like a play off of enders game.
Hampster Trainer 2 was one of the toughest simulators.
thats totally enders game
Uh, no, it totally isn’t. It’s The Last Starfighter, as mentioned above.
If it were Ender’s Game, then Trenchcoat Man would show up because the kid had stomped another kid in the face, not because he was good at videogames. The games come after the kids are picked.
I was thinking it was modeled more after the CG movie that just came out with the combat hamsters
Here you go, http://www.amazingsuperpowers.com/HamsterTrainer2.swf they did make a game of it
Oh God, so many hamsters!
The ending of game is super awesome!
I do believe you got the idea from Godzilla 2000, its a book where some kid got a high score on a video game and the government hired him to kill godzilla. Awesome book.
Hamster trainer two wasn’t nearly as good as hamster trainer one
:giggle: It’s also like the game that Randall’s playing in Clerks: The Animated Series where you’ve got to build pyramids and the feds come and take him away . . . . to build pyramids.
Pleasant, ain’t it?
so THATS who trains those wild hamsters…… he’s amazing!
I am honestly surprised that the bonus comic wasn’t a picture of the kid on a milk carton…
Haha! Best thing ever! XD Sounds more like a way to draw in children to circus life, though… either that or a prostitution ring… T.T
Am I the only one who heard in his head, “I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was!” very, very faintly?
the last star fighter anybody?
i think its about the controllers on the arcade game, he’s good at it that means the pedo wants him for his pleasure hands