That is a self-assembled bear I would GLADLY pay over a hundred bucks for. Not those actual Buildabears though. Friggin expensive things. Though, buying them for a chick works wonders…had a fling with a girl, and gave her a wee gangster bear, she still had it like four years later. And still thanked me for it.
I wonder if the people who called the bear “Frankenbear” that the whole “he never gave me a name” was an actual reference to Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein.
hehe I love this bear. He has a character arc in two frames
Is he Razzlebear’s cousin?
It’s a Tediz
I bestow upon you 50 internets for the Conker refference.
Have a bloody good day!
I… I love you.
I feel sorry for the bear.. D=
LOL me too.
I feel sorry for the broken window
What about the glass door? It had to watch.
It’ll end up like the guy who eats spiders and scolds buckets.
That is a self-assembled bear I would GLADLY pay over a hundred bucks for. Not those actual Buildabears though. Friggin expensive things. Though, buying them for a chick works wonders…had a fling with a girl, and gave her a wee gangster bear, she still had it like four years later. And still thanked me for it.
how did she thank you?
It’s not build-a-bear, It’s a build-YOUR-bear. At least this bear is.
the Bear is Gay
mmmm yeah!
Frankenbear. Very nice. ;3
I love how robo-frankenbear is wearing a leopard skin bikini.
* gasp!* he has 4 fingers! OoO
I wonder if the people who called the bear “Frankenbear” that the whole “he never gave me a name” was an actual reference to Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein.
lol, I still love it anyway.
I got it directly :p
It makes e sad. read the book you see… Meant a lot to me.
now the viking should take the bear back for money for time travel
verey sexual
Lol that is so funny
Just so the artist knows, SOMEONE appreciates the Homestar Runner bear.
OMG poor kid, see the hidden comic
Ikr, I saw that, and I was like: “Depressing”
party bear
Bear lost his hat