America is filled with Europeans that immigrated there not that long ago really (apart from the native Americans) don’t forget your all speaking English invented in England(i didn’t say everybody speaks it just almost) , the American flag red white and blue they just happen to be the same colours as the union flag of Briton which your meant to be independent from , time that was invented in england why do you think time is always +or – Greenwich(in London) Mean Time
azaroth, tht may be so, but that may have happed a couple hundred years ago.. maybe even 4 hundred.. but the egyptians are more than 10 centuries ago. they came first. so there yu have it.
I do find it funny that Americans expect us to be bitter about the revolution. News flash: it was 200 years ago. No one in England gives a shit. It doesn’t even get mentioned in History lessons because, in the scheme of things, it didn’t make much difference to people in England. It was embarrassing for the government of the time, but that’s all.
That’s hilarious! Losing what would become the most powerful economy in the world didn’t bother the English. They gloss over it in history class because it IS an embarrassment.
England is like a kid who had his ball taken from him and walks off saying “Whatever, I didn’t want it anyways!”
Guess that’s why they came back in 1812, because of all the not bothering them.
except we brought it on ourselves by declaring war after trying to get Britain and France to stop impressing (kidnapping followed by forced naval service) our sailors…
Twice? i take it you are talking about World War I and II? Funny how that works, sit on the sidelines for a few decades, selling the weapons to both sides to keep the war going, then swooping in for the last couple of years when one side pisses you off and shouting ” We win!”
Thats true tim. but what you are forgetting is that this right here is a joke…. hey! you think people falling over is funny? well i think you are forgetting that some people really hurt themselves when they fall down!
Geez, if it isn’t Mexican illegals trying to tell us they’re responsible for all of the benefits of American society, it’s some English dude, telling us that they are responsible.
yes it was
a language is a constantly evolving way of communicating, no one can claim to invent any of the main languages as they all evolved from a previous language: in fact western languages have links to Sanskrit – a sacred language of India.
If English is (defined as the) the language spoken by the english, it was made by the english.
The roots of the english language are as complex as the roots of the english. Danes, angles, saxons, normans and many more all immigrated to the uk.
And they all contributed to the shape of the english language today.
The english language spoken today is wildly different from the one spoken in the past, even after the immigration stopped.
Anyway the point is, the americans should not be afraid to say they have had a big influence on the english language (and should be proud of it), but it does rather rile the brits when you get patriotic about their language, when they’re such a new nation and the brits have been speaking it for centuries,
And it REALLY annoys them when americans forget the english speak english (“you speak really good english for a foreigner”)
Also the evidence that we have all come from africa is monstruously weak, as is all evidence to do with ancient human history. A jaw bone can mean a new species!
English wasn’t invented in England… And they didn’t invent time.. It was more than just them… That’s just where the atomic clock is… Half of what you said is wrong…
That’s hilarious! Losing what would become the most powerful economy in the world didn’t bother the English. They gloss over it in history class because it IS an embarrassment.
England is like a kid who had his ball taken from him and walks off saying “Whatever, I didn’t want it anyways!”
Guess that’s why they came back in 1812, because of all the not bothering them.
this is a common misconception about america, that it is all it’s own…and in a sense it is by the face that it is made up of every race and culture. the same cannot be said about many other countries who are primarily solitary in their customs, culture and racial mix. I think people fail to remember this when thinking about america.
Australia prides itself on its multiculturalism? This is news to me, as here in Asia I can assure you Australian whites have a very bad reputation for being extremely racist towards Asians in particular.
Many people choose to go to Europe simply because it is too difficult to go to the US. Minorities are generally treated better in the US than they are in Western Europe, which is still largely considered with appeasing (on a democratic level) its majority class, the Whites.
France and England in particular have extremely negative race reputations here in Asia. English people are seen as being self-righteous and having racial pride. America also has a negative reputation, but 9/10 immigrants would prefer to move there than any European country. European governments are simply more accepting of immigrants than the US because immigrants may solve their declining population crisis.
The Americans I know are far more open-minded than is portrayed here (one of them absolutely loves this joke!) and detest their government even more than racist Europeans do. Still, you old dogs can’t learn new tricks so I don’t know why I’m wasting my breath on defending them.
You say Asia, but Asia’s a pretty big place. What on earth qualifies you to speak for all the nearly 4billion people that live there? I just find it laughable that you think because you live in one tiny part of this vast continent you think you are in tune with all the opinions there. For example, when I’ve travelled parts of East Asia (Japan, South Korea and China), I generally find people to have much higher opinions of Europe than the USA. But that’s not really significant because I’ve only ever met a tiny proportion of the entire population. Did you conduct a rigorous, accurate poll to establish your statistic of 90% or is it just a groundless, useless figure you pulled out of the top of your hat? Gee, I wonder which one. Furthermore there are many places in Europe that are far more tolerant than some places in the USA, and VICE VERSA. Generalisation never works, in fact calling all British people (NOT just English) self-righteous is akin to racism itself. I might as well just call all Americans fat, or other equally repugnant things. I hope I’ve made my point.
America hates immigrants just as much as any one else, we’re just too lazy to do anything about it. Trust me. And wasn’t Australia formed as a prison colony? Besides, hotdogs and fireworks is what we do. we steal stuff from other people, and make them way better. Like America itself, for example, stolen from the indians: made way better. Have you ever eaten ReAl Chinese food? Plain awful, but eaten in America, like Panda Express for example: simply amazing. Just admit it, America is the best, and you’re just jealous
Well there’s the thing – you said it yourself. There’s a whole spectrum going on in the UK, ranging from idiots who think they are still in colonial times fighting to keep England white, waving flags and trying to stop anyone else from getting into our green a pleasant land (ha!) – through to a vibrant modern culture and counterculture who is quite happy to embrace anyone and everyone – through to places in the UK where prejudices have reversed completely and it is the English who are suddenly coming up against the prejudices of other cultures and marginalized and made to feel out of place. In that sense, yes i think the UK is fairly ‘good’ when it comes to racism. At least it is trying. But of course, that wide spectrum remains. And America will be more or less the same Ii presume. There will be the idiots with the mindset that this cartoon is sending up and people who will relate to it completely – people filled with prejudice and patriotism and people who hate it and know that people are basically the same. Japan and other countries likewise (a friend of mine reported a sign in a Japanese apartment block reading something like ‘beware of bad foreigners’ – which would probably lead to a jail term in the UK!). It all comes down to not generalizing and trying to say “this country is X” because that is inevitably racist and nonsense. This cartoon is aiming at a specific mindset, not a specific country!
Oh and incidentally, having recently helped a friend go through the immigration process into the UK i can tell you it is NOT easy. It is a nightmare and a very degrading and even cruel process. Many tears were shed. America may also be a nightmare, but the UK is no revolving door. Myself, i would like to see all countries and borders abolished once and for all – but yes, that’s very likely isn’t it.
America is far from being a tolerant place. There are more racial slurs uttered here than anywhere else I’ve ever been. In America the Spanish are always going to be Mexicans, the blacks are always going to be “from the ghetto” or “bitter because of slavery” or worse yet “the reason for all the crime in our country”. Its ridiculous how much hate towards minorities there is in America.
Or the blacks are always going to be “the blacks”. But really, how many people find this offensive? And actually, a large number of Hispanics in America ARE Mexican. And on top of that, what you’re calling minorities aren’t even really minorities anymore. The number of Hispanic people and African-Americans are rising and in some places are far more than the number of Caucasian people. The point is, in this case, we can’t be totally PC all the time with everything. But if we just call black people black, white people white, and hispanic people hispanic, who really cares?
Generalizations are just really no good… They’re kind of ridiculous. Because America isn’t intolerant. It’s true, there are a number of people in America who can be intolerant, but we’re usually pretty accepting. And I’m sure the same goes for most – maybe not all, but most – other countries.
You can’t judge America by Fox News and their celebrities. I’m from southern Ontario, so I get a lot of American televison (and thus news stations), and really they’re the same as Canada, except Bill O’Reilley and his cult.
yeah, i’m just gonna stick my neck in there for australians.. coz this comment was mainly about australia, and people kept going on about the UK, Asia and the USA. the racist australian male is just a cliche’d thing. we dont pride ourselves on that, and that is only the minority, when the second world war took place, we had many people suffer, and there was lots of publication about how bad the rest of the world is, some people took these racist articles seriously, and some people just hoped that the world war would end. in turn these ideas got passed down hereditory and we have a small amount of people (eg. Pauline Hanson, politician) who think that mixing cultures is a bad thing, but most of australia, (yes i know i can’t speak on behalf of all australians, but i can speak on behalf of australia, the country) thinks that the world would be a better place if everryone was friends with eachother.. and to the person who’s comment would be directly below mine, technically the british killed off most of the aboriginal race, when they first came here, when australia became a commonwealth, the govornment wanted to apologize for everything, but the times were not right until our current primeminister took a stand and said “sorry”. and yet, they think sorry is not enough, so we try to put families back together, thats still not enough. how bout trying to get britain to apologize for sending white man here! I go to a school who tries to keep equality here, we have many students from outside australia, and they are not ridiculed. i have many friends from many different countries, and I myself am half asian. so i dont think people could say that australia is not very multicultural, because i have been around australia, and i can tell that most of the population agrees on multiculturalism, and i have been outside australia to other countries, and met people who think that my family are quite nice, now i know this is just me, but i can sort of tell that most other australians/australasians/other cultures that live in australia, have the same ideas as me.. and i dont really know how to finish a lecture/comment.. so i’m gonna say… THE END
I have a good friend who’s of mixed Korean descent (white father who abandoned her Korean birth mother) who was adopted by a white Australian family. She faced racism from her white Australian “countrymen” on a literally daily basis, everything from people being ridiculously shocked that she spoke English so well to people screaming at her to “go home,” along with pretty much every other sort of racist bullshit non-white people put up with in predominantly-white cultures.
And I once had a white Australian claim, in a different discussion we were having about the relative (de)merits of America, Europe and Australia wrt race relations, that (white) Australia’s treatment of indigenous Australians/Aborigines didn’t count /because/ they were basically extinct.
It was under the independent Australian government, not the British colonial government, that hunting licences to shoot and kill indigenous Australian people like game animals were available during my lifetime.
And more recently — quite recently, indeed — there have been those charming anti-immigrant riots by “white” Australians against the presence of immigrants from southern Europe and parts of western Asia who are themselves, by most definitions, also white… just not white enough for certain overly-Aryan Australians, apparently. Wait, “charming” isn’t the right word, what’s the word I mean? Oh, of course — I meant “violent.”
There isn’t a crisis with decreasing population in the UK, we have lots of immigrants coming over here to start a new life. This increases our population. France, on the other hand, doesn’t really seem to want them.
Lol Aussies have a bad image to Asians? I honestly think you haven’t actually spoken to an Aussie ever.
I live in Australia and around 70% of my friends are Asian. When I go to parties I’m usually one of the only white guys there and I’m the one who people are racist towards (But in a friendly way like ‘Who can outdrink the white boy’ or ‘Something heavy needs moving. Grab the white guy’)
I’d like to point out that not all racism is evil and mallicious. Some are just true and kind of funny.
As an example, my asian friends laugh at how tall my white friends are and how much they can drink/eat, my white friends refuse to play my asian friends in card games because they always get beaten horribly, white friends always laugh at how they can’t go to an asian friends house without getting offered food every 20 minutes, asian friends use the old “White boy can’t jump/white boy can’t dance” line, my white guy friends think asian girls are hotter than white girls etc.
My asian friends say all white guys are programmers and we reply that they are all accountants.
They are all racist generalisations, but there’s a difference between jokes between friends and malicious racism.
It’s not racism that you should be affraid of, it’s malice.
fuck off you do,ive seen the news on the hate wars against middle eastern people in melbourne and how you tried to beed out aborigonies. you guys are fucked. New Zealand rules bitches.
I think pretty much any country created out of imperialism and colonialism can now claim multiculturalism as the dominant societies of those countries were wiped out which made room for a new culture and lots of immigrants
It’s just that Canada has become so multicultural that many question the existence of Canadian culture. Besides the love for ice hockey, Canadian bacon, and maple syrup, there isn’t much that is uniquely Canadian.
And, prior to the arrival of the Vikings and Europeans we had First Nations peoples who had a structured political organisation, philosophies, religious diversity, deep knowledge of the land, animals and a vast cultural diversity. Once the white folks arrived, they brought lethal diseases, killing machines that were just too efficient, poor diet and that rapacious creditor, alcohol.
wait wait wai. are you really having a political debate about which country is most open to minorities in the comments section of a comic? wow. this may actually up the odds of me going around the world painting the map lines in since everyone seems to think they are there anyway.
Yep…and my Bruins just beat the piss out of your little Vancouver pansies!
And you guys cried and threw a tantrum!
Pffft…you can’t even have a decent riot.
Well, if we’re gonna get technical, the Americas is the collective term for the two continents of North and South America. The United States of America is arguably misnamed as a country and collection of states, as truthfully, the USA is not a collection of states, but of nations that answer to a federal government. Nation by definition is a group that share a common culture, but require neither territory nor sovereignity. These nations were once states, but as they retain no sovereignity, are no longer “states” as per original definition. They are under a federal constitution, which does, I suppose, class the USA as a nation also. It is extremely confusing to name country, state and nation, as the meanings have been construed and misconstrued many many times throughout history.
You’re absolutely right. The USA shouldn’t be called “America” but the reality of it is that it IS called America universally by every country in the world (including South Americans).
That’s not true, south americans call it simply “Estados Unidos” (United States). Not Estados unidos de America or America either.
For south americans América is the whole continent that is divided in North America, Central America an South America.
America is a country, North America is a continent. B/c if you say america it would be vague being that there’s a North and South America that being said…it’s America aka United States the country. ; P
The USA (america can mean northern or southern, very different cultures and still not specific to the country) Is a mixing pot, makes sense for there to be multi-cultural facets included in our traditions.
As soon as other states in South America unite, you are no longer THE United States but A United States of America or the Northern United States funny hey
A little late here, but in all honesty do you think that will EVER happen? Now I’ve done no research nor have any prior knowledge on this matter but has there been in the past ANY large movement to unite the countries in South America under a single federal government? I honestly don’t think there will be. To say so myself, I would think a union of multiple countries under a single federal government would just complicate things. Look at the U.S. now compared to the governments of other (well developed) countries. Typically their governments are BETTER because they don’t have to deal with such a vast spread of land and people. It’s HARD to govern a big country, and FAR easier to govern a small one. Why do you think ancient Romans kept to small city-states?
The USA is a country in the Americas, Argentina has as much right to say it is America as has the USA. The USA is not even North America as there are two other countries on that bit of the continent of America. I use the term USAnian to describe a native of the USA and would recommend it ot others. None of this is to say anything against the USA, merely to try to avoid insul;ting other Americans: Chileans, Uruguayans. Venezuelans, Panamanians, etc.
Sooooo when someone says “Death to America”, are they really threatening the USA or are they also threatening Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica, Argentina, etc.?
Considering certain recent historical events, I’d say it’s more likely that it’s the former…
I think the kid should get beat up in the end because of snarkiness, not treason. Yeah, there’s all kinds of “American” traditions which weren’t _invented_ here. But it’s false to say that a nation’s culture is composed of things that _originated_ there, and _especially_ false to say that about the country that most symbolizes a cultural “melting pot.” Pretty much the whole frickin’ point of the US is that we’re a culture composed of many cultures.
I know, I know. Quit nitpicking the funny. But to me the gag is that the kid is “smarter” than the father, and that falls flat when the kid is missing the point.
I love how everyone is whining about how America refers to the continent and it’s incorrect to use the term to refer to the USA
sorry folks you may be right but the USA has hijacked the word America and American and in every corner of the globe if you mutter the word America I can assure you they won´t be thinking about Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile or any other country on either of the American continents (let alone the American tectonic plates)
Isn’t dad sipping a beer? Well, also NOT invented in America! Printed newspaper in the last frame? TOTALLY UN-American! Ha, and most of his forefather’s genes come from outside of the US!
the term “American” comes from a shortening of United States of America. the USA is largely known as “America” throughout the world, thus it is an acceptable term to describe it and thus the people who are native to the country, myself included, can be called Americans. Technically it is a misnomer as there is a North, South, and Central America (though only North and South are continents), and any person from any country therein could claim to be America. the REALITY, however, is that people from all over the world use the term America to refer to the USA. In Japan, for instance, they never use the term “USA” and simply call it アメリカ (amerika) and the people therein as アメリカ人 (amerikajin, american person basically)
Lol I totally knew there was gonna be a whole bunch of stupid long faux-proper comments about countries and such from pretentious people before I scrolled down…and yup. I hate internet comments.
A lot of the claims that gunpowder and fireworks came from China are being reexamined and found to be bogus. The first reliable mention of gunpowder comes from 12th century Europe, and it was not mentioned by Marco Polo in his writings some years later.
welcome to the UFO club.. where we can question if atlantis is real (which it is) or whether there really was a city of gold in america (note america meaning the continents.. which there is no city of gold) and we can also wonder whether crop circles were made by extra terrestrials, or just by farmers wanting to get rich
you know what? You all should try Portugal we were just the tiny motherf*****s who discovered half the world so… One more thing about that asian guy speaking about the us more open minded then europe isnt racism seen in, hmm let me check oh right, every other country on earth??
nice, you guys also discovered australia first but thought it was too desert like, and left, leaving a boat behind which is now lost forever but stories about the boat still float around (haha i made a joke) umm.. yes, cool… THE END.. again
The US is a young country and it deserves some room to develop it’s culture because like it or not it is the World’s power would you rather have the N.Koreans or Iranians running the show?.Please people,do some research..Einstein was German and even if Jewish at birth it is a faith not a race,When Einstein was asked about his own beliefs he replied he had a “cosmic religious sense,” which knows
“no dogmas and no God made in man’s image,”
America is the best. We have nukes. We won the Cold War. We are a superpower. We can destroy EVERY LAST ONE of you. Also, you’re arguing on the internet on a WEB COMIC!!! Basically, you are all mindless people with nothing better to do. Yes, I know I just became one of you. In fact, I’m dreading it just sitting here thinking about it. All-in-all, this pathetic blather disgusts me. Grow up. IT’S A COMIC!
slippery purple christfuck, who told all the idiot nationalists to start commenting on THIS comic?! I’m from *RAHRAHRAH* and it’s the best place evar ‘cuz my parents fucked within its borders!
I’m sure that some of these comments are sardonic, sarcastic, and carrying deliberately bad grammar with the intent of purveying some kind of comedic intent. I just can’t differentiate them from the lame-ass pseudo-patriotic posturing being trotted out here by idiots with no basic grasp of language, grammer [sic], history, socio-political intercourse or, indeed, where their penises are at.
I am “Evil” Slippy Lane, and I endorse this webcomic.
isn’t it North America? or were you referencing the 3 major continents as 1 ? and since when does anyone only ever use the long, official title of something?
Actually the English killed both aboriginals and indians.Because the Dutch discovered Australia and then the British went to Australia and killed most of the aboriginals.But also The Dutch have discovered Manhattan And then traded that for Surinam with the English.English killed Indians.Babaaaaaaam!
The hidden comic was hilarious. I don’t think anyone mentioned that but I’ll be honest and confess I didn’t read all the comments. Maybe someone did mention it and I just didn’t see.
For some reason I didn’t expect there to be so much arguing in the comments but this is probably my second favorite argument-through-comments on the internet because I saw UFO in there somewhere. (My first being an argument in youtube comments about whether or not towels should be washed after one shower or hung up and used repeatedly. There was no towel scene in the video.)
Wow, what a brave father.
lol nice catch didn’t notice he was in the pic in the newspaper.
That’s the best part. such contained disgust for his spawn
America is filled with Europeans that immigrated there not that long ago really (apart from the native Americans) don’t forget your all speaking English invented in England(i didn’t say everybody speaks it just almost) , the American flag red white and blue they just happen to be the same colours as the union flag of Briton which your meant to be independent from , time that was invented in england why do you think time is always +or – Greenwich(in London) Mean Time
are you saying that time was invented in england?????!!!
bastard angles!
You’re telling me
very obtuse they are.
Bully to you all! Now time for my favorite dessert, spotted dick!
I’d be more inclined to believe Tim’s post if he hadn’t used your instead of you’re multiple times…
England has taken over! Pity, for I don’t want to share my crum–AGH WHAT AM I SAYING?!
Just like an Englishman to still be bitter about the American Revolution.
the english invented slavery
the egyptians invented slavery…
slavery was never invented… it has always been there
Mina Wins! black people lose
Study your history, you will find Africans sold Africans into slavery to the British, and thus to the Americans.
azaroth, tht may be so, but that may have happed a couple hundred years ago.. maybe even 4 hundred.. but the egyptians are more than 10 centuries ago. they came first. so there yu have it.
I do find it funny that Americans expect us to be bitter about the revolution. News flash: it was 200 years ago. No one in England gives a shit. It doesn’t even get mentioned in History lessons because, in the scheme of things, it didn’t make much difference to people in England. It was embarrassing for the government of the time, but that’s all.
That’s hilarious! Losing what would become the most powerful economy in the world didn’t bother the English. They gloss over it in history class because it IS an embarrassment.
England is like a kid who had his ball taken from him and walks off saying “Whatever, I didn’t want it anyways!”
Guess that’s why they came back in 1812, because of all the not bothering them.
except we brought it on ourselves by declaring war after trying to get Britain and France to stop impressing (kidnapping followed by forced naval service) our sailors…
Abducing people for conscription into a foreign military…?
Yeah, pretty sure I’d call that an act of war.
And we still went back to save their entire continent! TWICE!
Twice? i take it you are talking about World War I and II? Funny how that works, sit on the sidelines for a few decades, selling the weapons to both sides to keep the war going, then swooping in for the last couple of years when one side pisses you off and shouting ” We win!”
I think you’ll find he wouldn’t say ‘anyways’, as that is such an Americanism.
“Guess that’s why they came back in 1812, because of all the not bothering them.”
Thats true tim. but what you are forgetting is that this right here is a joke…. hey! you think people falling over is funny? well i think you are forgetting that some people really hurt themselves when they fall down!
i think its funny tim…..
Who invented Gravity?
newton, an english man
also einstein was an english immigrant
here’s the thing…Newton didn’t “invent” gravity. Gravity already existed. He was just the first to discover/define it.
I believe that was the joke
hahaha… you silly bunch…, lol
god did
but gravity is now more of a space-time fabric effect rather than it’s own universal force.
But at least Einstein invented black holes and the way to dance around Conservation laws.
But Ben Franklin did “invent” daylight savings time! Right after he invented electricity and the lightning it produces!
He was German, not english.
Einstein was German…
No, he was Jew!
He came from Switzerland.
He was born from a tree
gee you guys, gotta be right huh
Einstein was german…
So was Hitler
Hitler was Austrian…
Napoleon wasn’t french!
uhhh einstein was born in germany…not england
umm… einstein was a german immigrant
English borrowed from German French Latin and others. And UTC is more precise than GMT and was co-invented by the French.
UTC is more precise, by milliseconds. Not really useful, unless you’re very precisely measuring something.
The switchover from GMT to UTC is pretty much pointless. Keep UTC to labs, and GMT to everything else.
and Europeans immigrated from africa
Geez, if it isn’t Mexican illegals trying to tell us they’re responsible for all of the benefits of American society, it’s some English dude, telling us that they are responsible.
GMT was only made because most map markers made there maps there
Or because the Royal Observatory was there…
english was not invented by england. you’re a fool.
yeah who made it, the french?
actually, yes. Specifically the Normans. Who were themselves decended from vikings. o.0
everyones over thinking this perhaps?
yes it was
a language is a constantly evolving way of communicating, no one can claim to invent any of the main languages as they all evolved from a previous language: in fact western languages have links to Sanskrit – a sacred language of India.
If English is (defined as the) the language spoken by the english, it was made by the english.
The roots of the english language are as complex as the roots of the english. Danes, angles, saxons, normans and many more all immigrated to the uk.
And they all contributed to the shape of the english language today.
The english language spoken today is wildly different from the one spoken in the past, even after the immigration stopped.
Anyway the point is, the americans should not be afraid to say they have had a big influence on the english language (and should be proud of it), but it does rather rile the brits when you get patriotic about their language, when they’re such a new nation and the brits have been speaking it for centuries,
And it REALLY annoys them when americans forget the english speak english (“you speak really good english for a foreigner”)
Also the evidence that we have all come from africa is monstruously weak, as is all evidence to do with ancient human history. A jaw bone can mean a new species!
It’s ‘+’ or ‘-‘ greenwich time becaus that’s where the prime meridian runs through, 0 longitude. asshat
uhm. . just a question for you…. who decided on the location of the prime meridian?
The sun
That’s right!
It was me!
So we should just eat Cheeseburgers. Problem Solved.
English wasn’t invented in England… And they didn’t invent time.. It was more than just them… That’s just where the atomic clock is… Half of what you said is wrong…
Tim is the biggest idiot I’ve ever seen… English invetnded in England??
I’d be me inclined to believe your post if you hadn’t used your instead of you’re multiple times.
Oh, wow this comment got pushed back pretty far.
english wasn’t actually invented in England as you say. It stems from Western Germanic broken off from Lower Germanic
Well, public executions go back as far as ancient Rome…
This is such a crazy long pyramid.
Gigabox created. Ten points.
Let’s continue the pyramid.
He deserves an award
That’s hilarious! Losing what would become the most powerful economy in the world didn’t bother the English. They gloss over it in history class because it IS an embarrassment.
England is like a kid who had his ball taken from him and walks off saying “Whatever, I didn’t want it anyways!”
Guess that’s why they came back in 1812, because of all the not bothering them.
I love the look of him in the background.
bah! i hadn’t noticed. that is hi-wait for it- larious!!!!!!!!!!
Hah. His look in the last frame. Awesome!
Only in America…
Does our flag match the Russian & French flag colors too!
this is a common misconception about america, that it is all it’s own…and in a sense it is by the face that it is made up of every race and culture. the same cannot be said about many other countries who are primarily solitary in their customs, culture and racial mix. I think people fail to remember this when thinking about america.
In Europe nowadays we have as many cultures living here as in the US (clearly not everybody wanted to go to the US
But I am glad Amerika is reinventing itself, hope the old Amerika will come back.
Same here in Australia. We pride ourselves on our multiculturalism.
Australia prides itself on its multiculturalism? This is news to me, as here in Asia I can assure you Australian whites have a very bad reputation for being extremely racist towards Asians in particular.
Many people choose to go to Europe simply because it is too difficult to go to the US. Minorities are generally treated better in the US than they are in Western Europe, which is still largely considered with appeasing (on a democratic level) its majority class, the Whites.
France and England in particular have extremely negative race reputations here in Asia. English people are seen as being self-righteous and having racial pride. America also has a negative reputation, but 9/10 immigrants would prefer to move there than any European country. European governments are simply more accepting of immigrants than the US because immigrants may solve their declining population crisis.
The Americans I know are far more open-minded than is portrayed here (one of them absolutely loves this joke!) and detest their government even more than racist Europeans do. Still, you old dogs can’t learn new tricks so I don’t know why I’m wasting my breath on defending them.
You say Asia, but Asia’s a pretty big place. What on earth qualifies you to speak for all the nearly 4billion people that live there? I just find it laughable that you think because you live in one tiny part of this vast continent you think you are in tune with all the opinions there. For example, when I’ve travelled parts of East Asia (Japan, South Korea and China), I generally find people to have much higher opinions of Europe than the USA. But that’s not really significant because I’ve only ever met a tiny proportion of the entire population. Did you conduct a rigorous, accurate poll to establish your statistic of 90% or is it just a groundless, useless figure you pulled out of the top of your hat? Gee, I wonder which one. Furthermore there are many places in Europe that are far more tolerant than some places in the USA, and VICE VERSA. Generalisation never works, in fact calling all British people (NOT just English) self-righteous is akin to racism itself. I might as well just call all Americans fat, or other equally repugnant things. I hope I’ve made my point.
America hates immigrants just as much as any one else, we’re just too lazy to do anything about it. Trust me. And wasn’t Australia formed as a prison colony? Besides, hotdogs and fireworks is what we do. we steal stuff from other people, and make them way better. Like America itself, for example, stolen from the indians: made way better. Have you ever eaten ReAl Chinese food? Plain awful, but eaten in America, like Panda Express for example: simply amazing. Just admit it, America is the best, and you’re just jealous
yep while you have some things better you also have gun crime awful chocolate miley cirus and worst of the worst Twilight
You’ve got us there.
Gun crime? Yep!
Overall crime rates? Trending downward for decades!
How are those stabbings and home invasions working out, (formerly great) Britain?
What we have…is more individual freedom.
Step on my rights, and I’ll give you a .45 caliber snake bite to the chest. ;-D
American? = win
I prefer real chinese food.
Real Chinese food is exponentially better than that wannabe-chinese food crap. Sorry that you’ve grown up on Mcfatties and tacoshits.
That’s sad to hear….I always thought the UK had a fairly good reputation amongst other countries when it came to stuff like racism. Also, you may be interested in this:
Well there’s the thing – you said it yourself. There’s a whole spectrum going on in the UK, ranging from idiots who think they are still in colonial times fighting to keep England white, waving flags and trying to stop anyone else from getting into our green a pleasant land (ha!) – through to a vibrant modern culture and counterculture who is quite happy to embrace anyone and everyone – through to places in the UK where prejudices have reversed completely and it is the English who are suddenly coming up against the prejudices of other cultures and marginalized and made to feel out of place. In that sense, yes i think the UK is fairly ‘good’ when it comes to racism. At least it is trying. But of course, that wide spectrum remains. And America will be more or less the same Ii presume. There will be the idiots with the mindset that this cartoon is sending up and people who will relate to it completely – people filled with prejudice and patriotism and people who hate it and know that people are basically the same. Japan and other countries likewise (a friend of mine reported a sign in a Japanese apartment block reading something like ‘beware of bad foreigners’ – which would probably lead to a jail term in the UK!). It all comes down to not generalizing and trying to say “this country is X” because that is inevitably racist and nonsense. This cartoon is aiming at a specific mindset, not a specific country!
Oh and incidentally, having recently helped a friend go through the immigration process into the UK i can tell you it is NOT easy. It is a nightmare and a very degrading and even cruel process. Many tears were shed. America may also be a nightmare, but the UK is no revolving door. Myself, i would like to see all countries and borders abolished once and for all – but yes, that’s very likely isn’t it.
America is far from being a tolerant place. There are more racial slurs uttered here than anywhere else I’ve ever been. In America the Spanish are always going to be Mexicans, the blacks are always going to be “from the ghetto” or “bitter because of slavery” or worse yet “the reason for all the crime in our country”. Its ridiculous how much hate towards minorities there is in America.
But that is just my experience.
more boxes in boxes
and even more boxes, but seriously, the david of ”well theres the thing” is totally right.
Or the blacks are always going to be “the blacks”. But really, how many people find this offensive? And actually, a large number of Hispanics in America ARE Mexican. And on top of that, what you’re calling minorities aren’t even really minorities anymore. The number of Hispanic people and African-Americans are rising and in some places are far more than the number of Caucasian people. The point is, in this case, we can’t be totally PC all the time with everything. But if we just call black people black, white people white, and hispanic people hispanic, who really cares?
Generalizations are just really no good… They’re kind of ridiculous. Because America isn’t intolerant. It’s true, there are a number of people in America who can be intolerant, but we’re usually pretty accepting. And I’m sure the same goes for most – maybe not all, but most – other countries.
You can’t judge America by Fox News and their celebrities. I’m from southern Ontario, so I get a lot of American televison (and thus news stations), and really they’re the same as Canada, except Bill O’Reilley and his cult.
You’re spending waaaaay to much time around “enlightened” and “tolerant” people…
Go hit up an NRA meeting…you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
yeah, i’m just gonna stick my neck in there for australians.. coz this comment was mainly about australia, and people kept going on about the UK, Asia and the USA. the racist australian male is just a cliche’d thing. we dont pride ourselves on that, and that is only the minority, when the second world war took place, we had many people suffer, and there was lots of publication about how bad the rest of the world is, some people took these racist articles seriously, and some people just hoped that the world war would end. in turn these ideas got passed down hereditory and we have a small amount of people (eg. Pauline Hanson, politician) who think that mixing cultures is a bad thing, but most of australia, (yes i know i can’t speak on behalf of all australians, but i can speak on behalf of australia, the country) thinks that the world would be a better place if everryone was friends with eachother.. and to the person who’s comment would be directly below mine, technically the british killed off most of the aboriginal race, when they first came here, when australia became a commonwealth, the govornment wanted to apologize for everything, but the times were not right until our current primeminister took a stand and said “sorry”. and yet, they think sorry is not enough, so we try to put families back together, thats still not enough. how bout trying to get britain to apologize for sending white man here! I go to a school who tries to keep equality here, we have many students from outside australia, and they are not ridiculed. i have many friends from many different countries, and I myself am half asian. so i dont think people could say that australia is not very multicultural, because i have been around australia, and i can tell that most of the population agrees on multiculturalism, and i have been outside australia to other countries, and met people who think that my family are quite nice, now i know this is just me, but i can sort of tell that most other australians/australasians/other cultures that live in australia, have the same ideas as me.. and i dont really know how to finish a lecture/comment.. so i’m gonna say… THE END
I have a good friend who’s of mixed Korean descent (white father who abandoned her Korean birth mother) who was adopted by a white Australian family. She faced racism from her white Australian “countrymen” on a literally daily basis, everything from people being ridiculously shocked that she spoke English so well to people screaming at her to “go home,” along with pretty much every other sort of racist bullshit non-white people put up with in predominantly-white cultures.
And I once had a white Australian claim, in a different discussion we were having about the relative (de)merits of America, Europe and Australia wrt race relations, that (white) Australia’s treatment of indigenous Australians/Aborigines didn’t count /because/ they were basically extinct.
It was under the independent Australian government, not the British colonial government, that hunting licences to shoot and kill indigenous Australian people like game animals were available during my lifetime.
And more recently — quite recently, indeed — there have been those charming anti-immigrant riots by “white” Australians against the presence of immigrants from southern Europe and parts of western Asia who are themselves, by most definitions, also white… just not white enough for certain overly-Aryan Australians, apparently. Wait, “charming” isn’t the right word, what’s the word I mean? Oh, of course — I meant “violent.”
There isn’t a crisis with decreasing population in the UK, we have lots of immigrants coming over here to start a new life. This increases our population. France, on the other hand, doesn’t really seem to want them.
Lol Aussies have a bad image to Asians? I honestly think you haven’t actually spoken to an Aussie ever.
I live in Australia and around 70% of my friends are Asian. When I go to parties I’m usually one of the only white guys there and I’m the one who people are racist towards (But in a friendly way like ‘Who can outdrink the white boy’ or ‘Something heavy needs moving. Grab the white guy’)
I’d like to point out that not all racism is evil and mallicious. Some are just true and kind of funny.
As an example, my asian friends laugh at how tall my white friends are and how much they can drink/eat, my white friends refuse to play my asian friends in card games because they always get beaten horribly, white friends always laugh at how they can’t go to an asian friends house without getting offered food every 20 minutes, asian friends use the old “White boy can’t jump/white boy can’t dance” line, my white guy friends think asian girls are hotter than white girls etc.
My asian friends say all white guys are programmers and we reply that they are all accountants.
They are all racist generalisations, but there’s a difference between jokes between friends and malicious racism.
It’s not racism that you should be affraid of, it’s malice.
Im sorry Blake, but you guys killed off pretty much all the aboriginals, don’t tell me Australians are proud of their multi-culturalism.
well what about the indians AND the iraqis AND the arabs?
That was the English, dumbass.
fuck off you do,ive seen the news on the hate wars against middle eastern people in melbourne and how you tried to beed out aborigonies. you guys are fucked. New Zealand rules bitches.
america is way, way WAY more multicultural than europe ever will be.
I bet you’ve never even left the US…
I did!
I’ve been around the world (literally) and witnessed more oppression (however subtle it may be) and racism (blatant) than I see here at home.
Though we’re swiftly turning into a police-state now…getting to be time for that “fourth box”
Canada too is known for its multiculturalism ;D
Just thought i would throw that out there because everyone else was defending their countries ;P
I think pretty much any country created out of imperialism and colonialism can now claim multiculturalism as the dominant societies of those countries were wiped out which made room for a new culture and lots of immigrants
It’s just that Canada has become so multicultural that many question the existence of Canadian culture. Besides the love for ice hockey, Canadian bacon, and maple syrup, there isn’t much that is uniquely Canadian.
And, prior to the arrival of the Vikings and Europeans we had First Nations peoples who had a structured political organisation, philosophies, religious diversity, deep knowledge of the land, animals and a vast cultural diversity. Once the white folks arrived, they brought lethal diseases, killing machines that were just too efficient, poor diet and that rapacious creditor, alcohol.
wait wait wai. are you really having a political debate about which country is most open to minorities in the comments section of a comic? wow. this may actually up the odds of me going around the world painting the map lines in since everyone seems to think they are there anyway.
BC Bud. That is the most Canadian thing around.
Yep…and my Bruins just beat the piss out of your little Vancouver pansies!
And you guys cried and threw a tantrum!
Pffft…you can’t even have a decent riot.
LOL, thats pretty funny dude!
Well… you are talking about America, that’s a continent, United States of America is a country.
Uh, North America and South America are continents genius!
Well, if we’re gonna get technical, the Americas is the collective term for the two continents of North and South America. The United States of America is arguably misnamed as a country and collection of states, as truthfully, the USA is not a collection of states, but of nations that answer to a federal government. Nation by definition is a group that share a common culture, but require neither territory nor sovereignity. These nations were once states, but as they retain no sovereignity, are no longer “states” as per original definition. They are under a federal constitution, which does, I suppose, class the USA as a nation also. It is extremely confusing to name country, state and nation, as the meanings have been construed and misconstrued many many times throughout history.
~ Darke
You’re absolutely right. The USA shouldn’t be called “America” but the reality of it is that it IS called America universally by every country in the world (including South Americans).
That’s not true, south americans call it simply “Estados Unidos” (United States). Not Estados unidos de America or America either.
For south americans América is the whole continent that is divided in North America, Central America an South America.
why is stuff like this being posted on an internet comic forum?
The common culture is outlined in our Constitution…so you can feel free to stop being wrong at any time.
Why do the clouds looks like butts? hee hee hee
I love big clouds and I cannot lie……
America is a country, North America is a continent. B/c if you say america it would be vague being that there’s a North and South America that being said…it’s America aka United States the country. ; P
No, it’s two continents, we are so tired of your Norteamericanismo!
son… i am disappoint
This comic is perfect.
look at me i correct everybody’s English
You not correct, many people from other nations….
He got what he deserved! How DARE he question his father, OR America! He’s a TERRORIST!
this comic rocks.
Is it a coincidence that in frames 2-3, the firework is pointed at the boy’s crotch? Farewell family jewels!
The son is right!!!!!!!!
The USA (america can mean northern or southern, very different cultures and still not specific to the country) Is a mixing pot, makes sense for there to be multi-cultural facets included in our traditions.
freaking hilarious!
Good grief.
When in the US, it is fine to say “America.” Outside the US, one should probably clarify.
Do we need to digitally remaster Ray Charles to sing “The United States of America! The United States of America! God shed his grace on thee.”?
Do I need to start calling myself a United States of American?
This being a US comic, I think we’re safe to say “America” without being misunderstood.
america.. fuck no!
As soon as other states in South America unite, you are no longer THE United States but A United States of America or the Northern United States
funny hey
A little late here, but in all honesty do you think that will EVER happen? Now I’ve done no research nor have any prior knowledge on this matter but has there been in the past ANY large movement to unite the countries in South America under a single federal government? I honestly don’t think there will be. To say so myself, I would think a union of multiple countries under a single federal government would just complicate things. Look at the U.S. now compared to the governments of other (well developed) countries. Typically their governments are BETTER because they don’t have to deal with such a vast spread of land and people. It’s HARD to govern a big country, and FAR easier to govern a small one. Why do you think ancient Romans kept to small city-states?
The USA is a country in the Americas, Argentina has as much right to say it is America as has the USA. The USA is not even North America as there are two other countries on that bit of the continent of America. I use the term USAnian to describe a native of the USA and would recommend it ot others. None of this is to say anything against the USA, merely to try to avoid insul;ting other Americans: Chileans, Uruguayans. Venezuelans, Panamanians, etc.
Sooooo when someone says “Death to America”, are they really threatening the USA or are they also threatening Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica, Argentina, etc.?
Considering certain recent historical events, I’d say it’s more likely that it’s the former…
Good point! “The Shadow knows”
Let’s see them try to stop us from using the name!
i dont whats funnier the comic or the argument on the correct name for the country/ continent(s)/ nation in question…… btw I love the hidden comic…
I eat Hamburgers and Freedom fries Bitches!
everything is chinese made nowadays!
hehe, look at u trying to provoke yet another argument thread. nice try..
Hah, it’s funny cause it’s true.
haha. thought i’d add throw somethin’ at the agitated “amerkins”.
are you really native? yeah, didn’t think so. hahaha.
Well, Wes married one and I once high-fived Wes. So, yes. Pretty much. yes.
This is one of the WINnest comments I have ever seen.
I think the kid should get beat up in the end because of snarkiness, not treason. Yeah, there’s all kinds of “American” traditions which weren’t _invented_ here. But it’s false to say that a nation’s culture is composed of things that _originated_ there, and _especially_ false to say that about the country that most symbolizes a cultural “melting pot.” Pretty much the whole frickin’ point of the US is that we’re a culture composed of many cultures.
I know, I know. Quit nitpicking the funny. But to me the gag is that the kid is “smarter” than the father, and that falls flat when the kid is missing the point.
Re: First paragraph- Right on
I love how everyone is whining about how America refers to the continent and it’s incorrect to use the term to refer to the USA
sorry folks you may be right but the USA has hijacked the word America and American and in every corner of the globe if you mutter the word America I can assure you they won´t be thinking about Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile or any other country on either of the American continents (let alone the American tectonic plates)
Do we “own” or at least invent the plates too?
Isn’t dad sipping a beer? Well, also NOT invented in America!
Printed newspaper in the last frame? TOTALLY UN-American! Ha, and most of his forefather’s genes come from outside of the US!
Great cartoon!
Penguins rule Antarctica
the term “American” comes from a shortening of United States of America. the USA is largely known as “America” throughout the world, thus it is an acceptable term to describe it and thus the people who are native to the country, myself included, can be called Americans. Technically it is a misnomer as there is a North, South, and Central America (though only North and South are continents), and any person from any country therein could claim to be America. the REALITY, however, is that people from all over the world use the term America to refer to the USA. In Japan, for instance, they never use the term “USA” and simply call it アメリカ (amerika) and the people therein as アメリカ人 (amerikajin, american person basically)
it’s a comic… laugh!… it’s not a political cartoon or a history lesson!
Yes, but it is rapidly becoming one, and, aside from a few flamers, a good dialogue.
And all of the above is why humanity is doomed.
couldn’t have said it better myself : ]
In Finland, the land of polar bears, alcoholics and neo nazis, we have this term “comma filer”. This is the comma you have been filing: .
Finally i know the kids name!!!
Lol I totally knew there was gonna be a whole bunch of stupid long faux-proper comments about countries and such from pretentious people before I scrolled down…and yup. I hate internet comments.
Good call
america is the largest source of corruption and the worlds biggest fuckup
isn’t it kind of funny that this country of fuckups almost matchs the GDP of all euro states combined?
we have this kind of freedom in england too
A lot of the claims that gunpowder and fireworks came from China are being reexamined and found to be bogus. The first reliable mention of gunpowder comes from 12th century Europe, and it was not mentioned by Marco Polo in his writings some years later.
welcome to the UFO club.. where we can question if atlantis is real (which it is) or whether there really was a city of gold in america (note america meaning the continents.. which there is no city of gold) and we can also wonder whether crop circles were made by extra terrestrials, or just by farmers wanting to get rich
you know what? You all should try Portugal we were just the tiny motherf*****s who discovered half the world so… One more thing about that asian guy speaking about the us more open minded then europe isnt racism seen in, hmm let me check oh right, every other country on earth??
nice, you guys also discovered australia first but thought it was too desert like, and left, leaving a boat behind which is now lost forever but stories about the boat still float around (haha i made a joke) umm.. yes, cool… THE END.. again
The United States is the largest melting pot in the world.
The US is a young country and it deserves some room to develop it’s culture because like it or not it is the World’s power would you rather have the N.Koreans or Iranians running the show?.Please people,do some research..Einstein was German and even if Jewish at birth it is a faith not a race,When Einstein was asked about his own beliefs he replied he had a “cosmic religious sense,” which knows
“no dogmas and no God made in man’s image,”
America is the best. We have nukes. We won the Cold War. We are a superpower. We can destroy EVERY LAST ONE of you. Also, you’re arguing on the internet on a WEB COMIC!!! Basically, you are all mindless people with nothing better to do. Yes, I know I just became one of you. In fact, I’m dreading it just sitting here thinking about it. All-in-all, this pathetic blather disgusts me. Grow up. IT’S A COMIC!
wtf is the craic with all these comments, its a f**king comic wise up u ballbags.
I just wasted half an hour of my time reading these comments.
Gravity cannot be definitely proven, hence the “theory” of gravity.
People suck, what can you say.
slippery purple christfuck, who told all the idiot nationalists to start commenting on THIS comic?! I’m from *RAHRAHRAH* and it’s the best place evar ‘cuz my parents fucked within its borders!
US P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act at work I see
Ahahhh the dad is looking all ominous in the last box xD
I’m sure that some of these comments are sardonic, sarcastic, and carrying deliberately bad grammar with the intent of purveying some kind of comedic intent. I just can’t differentiate them from the lame-ass pseudo-patriotic posturing being trotted out here by idiots with no basic grasp of language, grammer [sic], history, socio-political intercourse or, indeed, where their penises are at.
I am “Evil” Slippy Lane, and I endorse this webcomic.
I’m Scottish
…this comic triggered some thought, didn’t it?
Thought… no….. mouth flapping… yes
i love the dad’s shirt ‘freedom isn’t free’
Most (if not all) Human life came from Africa. Yet it’s the worst continent to live in.
if i was African i would be pretty pissed.
I am African and I am pretty pissed.
I just sat here and read all of these irritating comments, and this one made all that wasted time worth it. Thank you.
I concurr
i just wanted to ask why you are arguing?
I would call him loyal.
if only americans could laugh at themselfs this well.
To which “americans”, (sic), are you refering?
His name is skip. Stupid parents.
He’s going to soon see the screw, I feel sorry for him.
Son, I am disappoint.
you know, america isn’t a country, it’s really a continent, you would think after all these years people would know the name of their own country…
isn’t it North America? or were you referencing the 3 major continents as 1 ? and since when does anyone only ever use the long, official title of something?
It’s Conan O’Brien!
Dad finally taught his son the value of a dollar; now he wants his allowance in Swiss Francs.
(Sorry, off the subject a bit)
Humans suck regardless of where you come from.
im not real
Actually the English killed both aboriginals and indians.Because the Dutch discovered Australia and then the British went to Australia and killed most of the aboriginals.But also The Dutch have discovered Manhattan And then traded that for Surinam with the English.English killed Indians.Babaaaaaaam!
I bet Wes and Tony are lol-ing over the amount of self-righteousness and idiocy this comic has induced.
OOOOOOOOOH…. NOW I get it. . seriously though, the pupils make a WORLD of difference
I love how the dad is just standing in the back ground lol
The pyramids were on par in humour with the comic. Well done, readers : )
The hidden comic was hilarious. I don’t think anyone mentioned that but I’ll be honest and confess I didn’t read all the comments. Maybe someone did mention it and I just didn’t see.
For some reason I didn’t expect there to be so much arguing in the comments but this is probably my second favorite argument-through-comments on the internet because I saw UFO in there somewhere. (My first being an argument in youtube comments about whether or not towels should be washed after one shower or hung up and used repeatedly. There was no towel scene in the video.)
The father is obviously Ron Swanson of Parks and Rec.
too bad that this is true and America was founded by european immigrants.
ha ha ha !! This was the EPIC share.. All burned up in busy life..
His name is skip. Stupid parents.
Father is awesome.. ha ha..
ha ha ha !! This was the EPIC share.. All burned up in busy life and I’m Agree too..
LOL this so awesome hahaha…