Something tells me this still won’t hurt business.
I wonder which half he left us…
if u hover ur mouse over the middle panel it has a secret message
One quarter of the top left, and bottom right each.
oh, math joke, ah!
i don’t get it
“Nude” means without clothes.
I think he means the “Live” thing.
I like how people are always replying to comments from years ago.
Absolutely. Why not? BTW… is there a way to see inside????
I comment… from THE FUTURE!!
OOK.Silly human.
Why are ppl always pretending to be Tony and Wes? They are obviously WAAY to famous to actually reply to our comments!
He killed them
“Girls” have ovaries. Or they did
Now did he kill the ovaries or just the ovaries?
leave him alone, isnt his fault to be stupid, wait, yes is his fault, oooooo you stupid man
Me either
Oh, I get it! The cop is arresting the guy because he messed up part of the neon sign.
Its not Live Nudes now, its ‘Dead’ Nudes… That’s why the neon is turned off…
understanding sarcasm fail
you know how hard is to understand sarcasm on the internet?
Not very difficult when it’s DRAWN out for ya…it’s only difficult to sense sarcasm in written word.
OMG… r u serious.. u are soooooooooooooo dumb..
Still… Sarcasm win
i think he killed the girls and cut one in half…..
I wonder if they will use the “Sham-WOW” to clean up.
“Can absorb ALL the liquids from dead hookers!”
right on
There WAS life ,, he kill the chicks thats why the neon sing saying LIVE is of because they are DEAD
Actually, he arrested him for FALSE ADVERTISING… The cop went in specting LIVE NUDES but all he found was a 1/2 dead nude chick… So he then had to change the sign to represent reality. Hope that clears things out.
Necrophiliacs will swarm this place…
Description link
Please dont ask for one. Please.
What, a lap dance? Oh, right, that could get messy…
lol it takes me long time to understand that. NICE
what happened to the last strip of the comic again? i forget…
I get it! He killed the nudes, thats why the LIVE sign is turned off and he is being arrested
I just love the “18 yeah ok” sign.
I read this a few months ago and I didn’t get it. I just read it again and now I get it!
isn’t puberty wonderful?
Maybe all the strippers were vampire strippers like the ones from the movie From Dusk til Dawn, so that’s why he killed them.
exotic da ncing
alt text = greatest pun in the history of the English language.
I don’t see any pun in the alt text…
So the cool kid from the pool is 18? He is the first in line.
not the same guy
yes it is. Sir, I’ve informed that I must inform you that you’re ABSOLUTELY WRONG!
Hey… They changed the hidden comic…
Exotic dicing!
OMG! 2 hidden comics!
People who dont get it, the guy got arrested for killing the strippers, thats why “Live nudes” has changed in the last picture to “nudes”… T_T God…
Okay, I found a hidden picture. But it still isn’t helping much….
find the question mark it’s on upper right corner.
“live” is not importan when ther’s “nude”
what is inside??
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I wonder which half he left us…
if u hover ur mouse over the middle panel it has a secret message
One quarter of the top left, and bottom right each.
oh, math joke, ah!
i don’t get it
“Nude” means without clothes.
I think he means the “Live” thing.
I like how people are always replying to comments from years ago.
Absolutely. Why not? BTW… is there a way to see inside????
I comment… from THE FUTURE!!
OOK.Silly human.
Why are ppl always pretending to be Tony and Wes? They are obviously WAAY to famous to actually reply to our comments!
He killed them
“Girls” have ovaries. Or they did
Now did he kill the ovaries or just the ovaries?
leave him alone, isnt his fault to be stupid, wait, yes is his fault, oooooo you stupid man
Me either
Oh, I get it! The cop is arresting the guy because he messed up part of the neon sign.
Its not Live Nudes now, its ‘Dead’ Nudes… That’s why the neon is turned off…
understanding sarcasm fail
you know how hard is to understand sarcasm on the internet?
Not very difficult when it’s DRAWN out for ya…it’s only difficult to sense sarcasm in written word.
OMG… r u serious.. u are soooooooooooooo dumb..
Still… Sarcasm win
i think he killed the girls and cut one in half…..
I wonder if they will use the “Sham-WOW” to clean up.
“Can absorb ALL the liquids from dead hookers!”
right on
There WAS life ,, he kill the chicks thats why the neon sing saying LIVE is of
because they are DEAD
Actually, he arrested him for FALSE ADVERTISING… The cop went in specting LIVE NUDES but all he found was a 1/2 dead nude chick… So he then had to change the sign to represent reality. Hope that clears things out.
Necrophiliacs will swarm this place…
Description link
Please dont ask for one.
What, a lap dance? Oh, right, that could get messy…
lol it takes me long time to understand that. NICE
what happened to the last strip of the comic again? i forget…
I get it!
He killed the nudes, thats why the LIVE sign is turned off and he is being arrested
I just love the “18 yeah ok” sign.
I read this a few months ago and I didn’t get it. I just read it again and now I get it!
isn’t puberty wonderful?
Maybe all the strippers were vampire strippers like the ones from the movie From Dusk til Dawn, so that’s why he killed them.
exotic da ncing
alt text = greatest pun in the history of the English language.
I don’t see any pun in the alt text…
So the cool kid from the pool is 18? He is the first in line.
not the same guy
yes it is.
Sir, I’ve informed that I must inform you that you’re ABSOLUTELY WRONG!
Hey… They changed the hidden comic…
Exotic dicing!
OMG! 2 hidden comics!
People who dont get it, the guy got arrested for killing the strippers, thats why “Live nudes” has changed in the last picture to “nudes”… T_T God…
Okay, I found a hidden picture. But it still isn’t helping much….
find the question mark
it’s on upper right corner.
“live” is not importan when ther’s “nude”
what is inside??