Sharks are asshole
So, sharks collectively are an asshole?
assholes sharks are
Fuck Sharks!
Hmmm, assholes sharks are.
maybe that one shark just had an asshole personality
Fuck all sharks. You cant go on a shark by shark basis.
You are all wrong. Sharks are awesome, they are just tragically hungry. Fuck dolphins.
strong with the force, this one is
Y would u hate god?
There’s that invisible stewart again…
I picture him swimming about in the background with scuba gear.
Sharks: Serial Killers of the Ocean.
or are they just copycats of prehistoric seriel killers
Sharks are prehistoric.
How are they prehistoric if they’re a part of history; and they exist today?
Anonymous just because something is here now dosent mean it cant be prehistoric. Like turtles, they have been around almost twice as long as sharks.
so has oxygen do you have a point?
they are prehistoric because they were around before (pre) history (histo) was written down by Rick (ric). pre+histo+ric=prehistoric Just because they are still here now doesn’t mean they were not around back in the day.
Y’know, when you think about it, if oxygen is prehistoric that means there’s no such thing as “fresh air.” Dang.
yes there is such a thing as fresh air….. plants after photosynthesis emit newly created oxygen
Maxed out, plants don’t create oxygen.
Plants DO emit oxygen, during photocyntacy. Thy emit oxy, and consume carbon dye oxy… not necessary in that order
Kinda like smelly cavemen
Only in America! Am I right or what?!!?
(Y) Humanity: killer of the world
Skoora, the gentle shark.
i no ;]
if you’re gonna bleed in the mouth of a shark..might as hurt it doing so …always take viagra before swimming….
lol, the hidden pic reminds me of the old SNL shark attack skits
LOL on the hidden text
sharks are the assholes of the sea but the hidden comic almost made me fall off my chair!
Fish are friends, not food!
Reminds me of the sharks in Finding Nemo
I love looking at the ones invisible Stewart are in. I try to imagine where he is.
fish are friends. not food.
So…nobody noticed that goldfish are a freshwater fish and that is the ocean? Just sayin’.
I love that fish
This hurts me more than it hurs you! :,( lol
No one thought that shark no to speak with its mouth full?
assholes are sharks, sharks are assholes, but are assholes sharks and are sharks assholes?
That would be soooo precious!
I imagine him to be kind of like Bruce from finding nemo
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Sharks are asshole
So, sharks collectively are an asshole?
assholes sharks are
Fuck Sharks!
Hmmm, assholes sharks are.
maybe that one shark just had an asshole personality
Fuck all sharks. You cant go on a shark by shark basis.
You are all wrong. Sharks are awesome, they are just tragically hungry.
Fuck dolphins.
strong with the force, this one is
Y would u hate god?
There’s that invisible stewart again…
I picture him swimming about in the background with scuba gear.
Sharks: Serial Killers of the Ocean.
or are they just copycats of prehistoric seriel killers
Sharks are prehistoric.
How are they prehistoric if they’re a part of history; and they exist today?
Anonymous just because something is here now dosent mean it cant be prehistoric. Like turtles, they have been around almost twice as long as sharks.
so has oxygen do you have a point?
they are prehistoric because they were around before (pre) history (histo) was written down by Rick (ric).
Just because they are still here now doesn’t mean they were not around back in the day.
Y’know, when you think about it, if oxygen is prehistoric that means there’s no such thing as “fresh air.” Dang.
yes there is such a thing as fresh air….. plants after photosynthesis emit newly created oxygen
Maxed out, plants don’t create oxygen.
Plants DO emit oxygen, during photocyntacy. Thy emit oxy, and consume carbon dye oxy… not necessary in that order
Kinda like smelly cavemen
Only in America! Am I right or what?!!?
Humanity: killer of the world
Skoora, the gentle shark.
i no ;]
if you’re gonna bleed in the mouth of a shark..might as hurt it doing so
…always take viagra before swimming….
lol, the hidden pic reminds me of the old SNL shark attack skits
LOL on the hidden text
sharks are the assholes of the sea
but the hidden comic almost made me fall off my chair!
Fish are friends, not food!
Reminds me of the sharks in Finding Nemo
I love looking at the ones invisible Stewart are in. I try to imagine where he is.
fish are friends.
not food.
So…nobody noticed that goldfish are a freshwater fish and that is the ocean? Just sayin’.
I love that fish
This hurts me more than it hurs you! :,( lol
No one thought that shark no to speak with its mouth full?
assholes are sharks, sharks are assholes, but are assholes sharks and are sharks assholes?
That would be soooo precious!
I imagine him to be kind of like Bruce from finding nemo