on August 18, 2008 at 2:22 amYou may have noticed that ASP is a comic about a young girl and her adventures through toyland with her anthropomorphic teddy bear, and is not a comic about video games (which is a terrible crime, because what this world needs more of is video game related humor and, more importantly, video game related miscarriage humor.)
Nonetheless, this post is about a video game! Wes and I both own Xbox 360s, and were excited to hear about a game called “Braid” coming to the Arcade. Despite our initial alarm and dismay that this wasn’t a game about hairstyling, we were pleased to find a beautiful little world in which you guide Angus Young through a slew of clever puzzles. And yes, even though Wes and I are both card-carrying MENSA members, now and again we like things that make us feel smart. For instance, being the only people we know that don’t watch Bravo. LOL?
We’re strong supporters of paying for things that you like in order to keep the good times rollin’, so y’all should check it out. Additionally, the artwork in Braid was done by the very talented David Hellman of A Lesson is Learned but the Damage is Irreversible, one of our favorite reads.
For those of you who have beaten the game, there is an excellent plot analysis at (It’s just the first post of the thread).