HA! Brilliant!
Heeeey…that’s my name, give it back!
Hidden comic makes it better
hidden comic made me laugh out my spleen
HEY! My mother died of laughing out her spleen. So, ya know. . . shut up and stuff
its funny though
still funny
Actually, in some cultures, humor isnt funny. This comic really should be more sensitive to those people, and you should all be ashamed.
C’mon, the comic is kinda subtle. In fact, it’s extremely subtle.
Yes, hidden the hidden comic does
Where is the hidden comic?
Top right corner of the comic. Just outside it. A question mark should appear, click it.
If you tell people where the HIDDEN comics are, they won’t be HIDDEN anymore, and we won’t be able to laugh at the ignorant.
Rufus, If I tell you it wouldn’t be hidden anymore.
Rufus it’s in the top right corner out of the comic!
if you tell people where it is it moves we might not find it for weeks now
If you read the hidden comic and then the comic again its better because he has a can of beer
but isn’t the son supposed to still be missing?
aaaa que mamon! jajaja cool!
JAJAJAJA! It’s so jilarious! And the jidden comic made it funny as jell!
almost 10 and still no booze? this is horrible
isnt this the family from the forth of july treason comic?
i just realized that the worm wearing a condom moves back and forth… O.o
best one yet
The alt-text was hilarious.
but the fact tht he has a beer means the kid came back doesnt it? does this mean tht the dad killed the kid?
Must have been one last beer hiding in the back of the fridge.
At least he is enjoying a delicious can of BEE.
The son didnt get back, but he got his booze?
Did you notice that the TV is from like the 70’s with the knobs yet dad still has a remote. FUN!!
What the hell is a “hidden comic”?
wait, he had a beer right next to him!
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HA! Brilliant!
Heeeey…that’s my name, give it back!
Hidden comic makes it better
hidden comic made me laugh out my spleen
HEY! My mother died of laughing out her spleen. So, ya know. . . shut up and stuff
its funny though
still funny
Actually, in some cultures, humor isnt funny. This comic really should be more sensitive to those people, and you should all be ashamed.
C’mon, the comic is kinda subtle. In fact, it’s extremely subtle.
Yes, hidden the hidden comic does
Where is the hidden comic?
Top right corner of the comic. Just outside it.
A question mark should appear, click it.
If you tell people where the HIDDEN comics are, they won’t be HIDDEN anymore, and we won’t be able to laugh at the ignorant.
Rufus, If I tell you it wouldn’t be hidden anymore.
Rufus it’s in the top right corner out of the comic!
if you tell people where it is it moves we might not find it for weeks now
If you read the hidden comic and then the comic again its better because he has a can of beer
but isn’t the son supposed to still be missing?
aaaa que mamon! jajaja
JAJAJAJA! It’s so jilarious! And the jidden comic made it funny as jell!
almost 10 and still no booze? this is horrible
isnt this the family from the forth of july treason comic?
i just realized that the worm wearing a condom moves back and forth… O.o
best one yet
The alt-text was hilarious.
but the fact tht he has a beer means the kid came back doesnt it? does this mean tht the dad killed the kid?
Must have been one last beer hiding in the back of the fridge.
At least he is enjoying a delicious can of BEE.
The son didnt get back, but he got his booze?
Did you notice that the TV is from like the 70’s with the knobs yet dad still has a remote. FUN!!
What the hell is a “hidden comic”?
wait, he had a beer right next to him!