It is to the greatest fruit of my knowledge, that once a great man told me to think before you speak.
Too bad it won’t happen. They could paint faces on the apples.
I think them being sentient would create an issue before they could get face painted.
Hidden comic brings it all together
yeah. the person ate the apple, all the leaves, and left a red pepper in exchange.
but what about the note? It disapeared, Maybe he ate that too? got hungry on the way home turned round and ate the note
No no no no… no… the note was used as a napkin, you can’t eat paper without milk, every one knows that
He ate the sun, too, silly!
really it depends what kind of girl it is
um, i might just be really weird, but if a guy said that to me, i’d think he was my soul mate.
ya, you’re an odd one.
I’m going to back slowly away now without making sudden motions.
oh yea, did i mention i want my brain removed and…
LOL Opportunism for the win, Rhodes!
hmm you might be my soul mate
“i’m sorry, at this time we eath just aliens fuids”
Best part is that I had a conversation much like that on one of my first dates…we actually did partake in human-fed apples. They were delicious.
God I love the hidden comics and the double meanings of the text, and the ALT text. First day here and I haven’t been off in…JESUS! 8 HOURS?!
Uhh..did I miss something or did he have a lobotomy for the hidden comic to take place? If the tree already exists he would have had to plant the seed and his brain and wait a few years..
and his brain, being in the ground and a tree taking years to grow, how the hell was the note there… oOOOOOOooo his zombie put it there.
that chick is hot, it looks like it could be a little chilly outside
That would actually be really cool. I want to do that with my brain.
Is anyone else reminded of how the aliens reproduced in Speaker for the Dead (sequel to Ender’s Game)?
Also Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree.
‘also, we should totally bang’
”Currently, the only wood I have is in my pants.”
I guess the thing here is, no one would ever do that for someone, even if it really meant something.
Great way to save any type of fruit for yourself
Complete coincidence, but when I first read this comic, Godslug at the top had his brain visible in a jar. How fitting.
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It is to the greatest fruit of my knowledge, that once a great man told me to think before you speak.
Too bad it won’t happen. They could paint faces on the apples.
I think them being sentient would create an issue before they could get face painted.
Hidden comic brings it all together
yeah. the person ate the apple, all the leaves, and left a red pepper in exchange.
but what about the note? It disapeared, Maybe he ate that too? got hungry on the way home turned round and ate the note
No no no no… no… the note was used as a napkin, you can’t eat paper without milk, every one knows that
He ate the sun, too, silly!
really it depends what kind of girl it is
um, i might just be really weird, but if a guy said that to me, i’d think he was my soul mate.
ya, you’re an odd one.
I’m going to back slowly away now without making sudden motions.
oh yea, did i mention i want my brain removed and…
Opportunism for the win, Rhodes!
hmm you might be my soul mate
“i’m sorry, at this time we eath just aliens fuids”
Best part is that I had a conversation much like that on one of my first dates…we actually did partake in human-fed apples. They were delicious.
God I love the hidden comics and the double meanings of the text, and the ALT text. First day here and I haven’t been off in…JESUS! 8 HOURS?!
Uhh..did I miss something or did he have a lobotomy for the hidden comic to take place?
If the tree already exists he would have had to plant the seed and his brain and wait a few years..
and his brain, being in the ground and a tree taking years to grow, how the hell was the note there… oOOOOOOooo his zombie put it there.
that chick is hot, it looks like it could be a little chilly outside
That would actually be really cool. I want to do that with my brain.
Is anyone else reminded of how the aliens reproduced in Speaker for the Dead (sequel to Ender’s Game)?
Also Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree.
‘also, we should totally bang’
”Currently, the only wood I have is in my pants.”
I guess the thing here is, no one would ever do that for someone, even if it really meant something.
Great way to save any type of fruit for yourself
Complete coincidence, but when I first read this comic, Godslug at the top had his brain visible in a jar. How fitting.