First let me say your name is so funny, you are my hero! And that is fucking hilarious.. You could also talk about how you were the presipope… leader of the us and catholics… Or you could kindly shut the fuck up because you’re not funny and your internet deemed anonymity is the only thing that keeps people from lighting crosses on your lawn and pissing on your shoes in general.
Greatest. Pornography. Ever.
lies there is no spank the monkey game on the site
Indeed no spank tha monkey game at all …………………………………………. total waste of time and vasilene
I read poonography for the articles.
I’m totally ready to put on my dick.
this must be the most under appreciated comic on the web. Good job!
That guy has mad badass stubble going on.
” Now we must ride, son. It’s almost sundown. The Bloggers will be out soon”
(forced comment!)
“They have formed an alliance with the Trolls, this will be catastrophic!”
ROFL. That totally made my morning.
Has anyone read The Road? It comes to mind.
I have — and that’s what I got from it, too. Hmm . . . so that’s what caused the random, unexplained apocolypse in ‘the road’ . . . !
Awesome art on the second panel
Great comic
here, put it in my butt
I love how the Hampsterdance is on the tab next to poonography. Haha.
Is that The Dark Tower?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who got a Dark Tower vibe from this…
yeah nice i got the dark tower too
There are no shotguns in The Dark Tower.
I thought Fallout :p
Stephen King reference FTW
i wonder if this will speed up the zombie apocalypse?
This would be a good comic if it didn’t include a computer that works.
Computer that works suck.
Dark Tower reference? At least the first two frames scream Gunslinger..
roland and jake for sure.
lmao. hampster
Wow. I knew petting kittens lowered your blood pressure, but it also lowers interest rates?
I’d vote yes then escape quick as hell into the nearest nuclear bunker.
Then I’d tell my children of “The daemons of old times” and “The one’s who did not use the internet” or “The blind ones”….
And inside I would laugh my ass of.
First let me say your name is so funny, you are my hero! And that is fucking hilarious.. You could also talk about how you were the presipope… leader of the us and catholics… Or you could kindly shut the fuck up because you’re not funny and your internet deemed anonymity is the only thing that keeps people from lighting crosses on your lawn and pissing on your shoes in general.
does anyone have a extra sense of humor lying aroud? Cus Derek could sure use one (even a really really lame one…)
“Ah, Your Dick Fits Just Right”…followed by…”Damnit why did you piss in my shoes?”
wait what? that’s not making any sense to me…
no wait, no i get it…
why would they light crosses on his lawn? if he’s the pope, doesn’t the pope have like an entire army that guards the Vatican?
is it your time of the month?
I love poon
I would vote yes and go to the deepest part of the ocean
… to drown?
Thanks for leading me to discovery.
does anybody else see that tiny man in the bottom left corner of the first panel or am i just seeing things?
i think you’re just imagining it…
No no…its a nuked condom wrapper. The tiny man is just sperm with legs, hanging out in the sun getting a good bake.
Good to see that Garlic frank is expanding his business.
This comic rocks. Just the fact that they actually made the site to go along with it is amazing.
I actually scrolled down to the bottom to see if there was an ad in which I had to spank the monkey to elect the new pope.
if you actually click on the ads it takes you to the newest comic
I fapped vigorously while viewing the poonagraphy website. Good times!
It’s Flint and Claus!!
I knew i should have voted on that