Conversations I Have Had With Dinosaurs
on October 28, 2008 at 7:03 pmWikipedia holds an extensive knowledge base on dinosaurs. This easily-accessed information is occasionally useful for time travelers such as myself. Each article has a reference image for the sizes of these ancient reptiles. It turns out these pictures summed up my feelings and encounters with these wacky dead lizards:
- “Oh, hey triceratops, you are like a James Bond movie; after the really exciting beginning, the rest is pretty dull.”
- “Take it easy, daspletosaurus. I’m using that.”
- “Hello, velociraptor. Thanks to Steven Speilberg, I am disappointed whenever I see the real you.”
- “I’m going to the store for a few hours. You two play nice.”
- “Styracosaurus, you clearly don’t have much dignity so … uh … can I ride you?”
- “Hey, Iguanodon. Stop staring at my junk.”
- “Excuse me, Mr. Brachylophosaurus, but I did not know that you frequented this nudist colony.”
- “Hi, diplodocus. I honestly can’t tell which end I should be talking to.”
- “Howdy, ichthysaurus, I’m pretty sure you’re just a fish. Yes, I know I’m not wearing pants. No, that doesn’t make me less right. And it also doesn’t make you any more of a dinosaur.”
- “I don’t really want to be here.”
The 2nd to last one made me chuckle(more so than the rest).
Hails from New Zealand
Truth be told, Spambot, Jurassic Park III is the weak link of the trilogy. The script had serious focus issues and the introduction of Joe Johnston as director was a mediocre choice at best.
well, STEVE, let’s see YOUR directorial debut.
P.S. If it’s an episode for any Bang Bros affiliates, then you’re alright in my book…alright.
There was one part about women and history that struck me as anti-feministthis comes off way more as a satire of women’s ridiculous “equality” issues instead of the backhanded compliments and creepy paternalism of the original.I kind of had some second thoughts about some of this as wellI didn’t watch the original, or the parody (the original one, because blood pressure), the parody because I’m not fond of Will FerrellAnd people wonder why feminists are generally seen as dour, humorless, perpetually-offended killjoys.I honestly found the video hilarious, and I’m not even that big a fan of Will Ferrell. I’m wondering, is there anything you DO find funny?