i vote hats
asshats of course
lol… Guys, where do you think they got their clouds???
do u think the same thing would happen for a females ———— says the guy who desperately needs to get laid
If you only need “a females ————” to be an inch deep, you have more problems than just needing to get laid…
I LOVE the hidden comic. I’m always full of magenta, for some reason.
Hur Hur, Buttrons.
You changed the hidden comic. It used to be hidden in the pile of butts, and if you clicked it, the hidden comic was just text saing “Shame on you. You just clicked a pile of butts”
Turns out the shame was inside each of us all along.
Hehehe. buttrons. how’d you guys think of all these?
Is that conan o’brien
That model sells like hotcakes in ‘Frisco.
Also, every prison shower has one in the future.
umm why are they different colors?
Because multiple people copied their asses…like the black dude, also drinking, RIGHT NEXT to the guy copying his ass?
Technically, LEFT NEXT to the guy copying his ass.
actually that is relative…… from the guy copying his but’s viewpoint the black guy would be to his right, but from your viewpoint he is to the left
He must be one of those people who don’t see race.
Lol, OMG. It’ looks like Dwight and Oscar from The Office.
Those are some sweet ass-hats
BadASS hats !
Wow, didn’t expect xkcd reference here
Conan O’Brien?
Definetly a pile of butts.
Those hats sure look warm…
kiss mah three-to-the-D Printed ASS
Wes and Tony are true mavericks. They predicted 3D printing technology years ago!
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i vote hats
asshats of course
lol… Guys, where do you think they got their clouds???
do u think the same thing would happen for a females ———— says the guy who desperately needs to get laid
If you only need “a females ————” to be an inch deep, you have more problems than just needing to get laid…
I LOVE the hidden comic. I’m always full of magenta, for some reason.
Hur Hur, Buttrons.
You changed the hidden comic.
It used to be hidden in the pile of butts, and if you clicked it, the hidden comic was just text saing
“Shame on you. You just clicked a pile of butts”
Turns out the shame was inside each of us all along.
Hehehe. buttrons. how’d you guys think of all these?
Is that conan o’brien
That model sells like hotcakes in ‘Frisco.
Also, every prison shower has one in the future.
umm why are they different colors?
Because multiple people copied their asses…like the black dude, also drinking, RIGHT NEXT to the guy copying his ass?
Technically, LEFT NEXT to the guy copying his ass.
actually that is relative…… from the guy copying his but’s viewpoint the black guy would be to his right, but from your viewpoint he is to the left
He must be one of those people who don’t see race.
Lol, OMG. It’ looks like Dwight and Oscar from The Office.
Those are some sweet ass-hats
BadASS hats !
Wow, didn’t expect xkcd reference here
Conan O’Brien?
Definetly a pile of butts.
Those hats sure look warm…
kiss mah three-to-the-D Printed ASS
Wes and Tony are true mavericks. They predicted 3D printing technology years ago!