I’m with you. There’s the look, but there’s also the generally sweet and appealing sentiments being contradicted by judgmentalism. That might not be the wording I was hoping for.
How do so many people think the alt text is the hidden comic? Do the words “hidden COMIC” not sufficiently suggest to them that the hidden COMIC is another COMIC and not just a sentence or two of plain text?
on the board behind her it says caterpillar, and theres a picture of a cat….or does it say cat, and then “filler? both would make sense, and be very sneaky.
It definitely doesn’t say caterpillar, since caterpillar ends in -ar, and the blackboard says -l-l-e-r- and continues for at least one more letter, possibly an O, C or Q.
Oddly enough, even though they have the same snowflake, they have diffrent sized and diffrent amounts of paper cut outs. Maybe theres some strange link between paper in this universe like quantum entanglement that shows the pieces of paper coming up as the same thing only after you look at them, irreguardless of the work you put into it! Or maybe they were diffrent sized papers. Though the first would explain their essay mishap.
No. Everybody who talks about the hidden comics in the comments just plays along with a giant conspiracy to make you feel left out.
It’s tricky to coordinate comments so it sounds like everyone is referring to the same “hidden comic” for each real comic, but it’s not like there’s a secret IRC channel where ASP fans can go on Mondays and Thursdays to settle what they’re going to pretend is in each “secret comic” — OR IS THERE?
I thought those were ninja stars XD
poor jason
poor Jasons
Wrong: Jason is from the hidden comic.
She reminds me of Sarah Palin for some reason…
I’m with you. There’s the look, but there’s also the generally sweet and appealing sentiments being contradicted by judgmentalism. That might not be the wording I was hoping for.
i know i think it might be the glasses
yea definetly the glasses XD
I think it might be the fact that Sarah Palin is a milf and I’d tap the hell out of both her and her doppelganger here.
ew sarah palin’s ooooooooollld……. and ugly
It might be the fact that she’s hot as hell
I knew I wasn’t the only one.
I so much wished that the hidden comic would be a threesome
Hidden comic… Where do you see them?
Put you mouse over the comic and wait for 1/2 second… no, no, don’t just flip the mouse like it’s on speed….
No, not the alt text, the hidden comic. There used to be hidden comics. Are they gone now?
How do so many people think the alt text is the hidden comic? Do the words “hidden COMIC” not sufficiently suggest to them that the hidden COMIC is another COMIC and not just a sentence or two of plain text?
click the ? in the top right corner.
haha hidden comic, i almost died…
I love how she’s angry at the kid’s lack of hands.
that is one attractive teacher
I agree, she is smokin
Those look a likes on her chest make her a freak though…I like that
LOL, I thought this was mean…
Then I saw the hidden comic… Lmao.
on the board behind her it says caterpillar, and theres a picture of a cat….or does it say cat, and then “filler? both would make sense, and be very sneaky.
it probably says cat killer…
It definitely doesn’t say caterpillar, since caterpillar ends in -ar, and the blackboard says -l-l-e-r- and continues for at least one more letter, possibly an O, C or Q.
I had so many teachers like that.
haha hand turkeys! only in the amazingsuperpowers universe is that doable.
i never knew being twins sucked so bad. i wonder if the oslen twins went through this.
Being a twin does suck, especially when everyone treats us like the same person!
Dude, me and my twin brother laughed so hard at this.
Haha, this is hilarious. I’m a twin and I’ve had a lot of moments like this. Sadly, we are freaks, but in a good way.
Jason gets to draw stump pumpkins.
or the turkey after it’s plucked…….
I vote her for teacher of the year….
expression of the guy behind jason…priceless!
Well, kinda explains how I met the gal who had no eyes…
She only got her eyes poked out coz you can’t drive a damn car
Why is Sarah Palin a teacher?
I don’t see any question marks… did the hidden comics go bye-bye?
Oddly enough, even though they have the same snowflake, they have diffrent sized and diffrent amounts of paper cut outs. Maybe theres some strange link between paper in this universe like quantum entanglement that shows the pieces of paper coming up as the same thing only after you look at them, irreguardless of the work you put into it! Or maybe they were diffrent sized papers. Though the first would explain their essay mishap.
this made me choke on my m&ms.
but it’s okay, cause i have a giant jar filled with more m&ms…
i had to tell somebody that
oh no the hidden comic is horrible!!
The Hidden comic was even better than this one.
Kudos on not making the hand turkey have 5 fingers. I was totally ready to bust you on that one.
me too!!!! i was kinda excited, then when i saw your comment i had to check the hidden comic again and was kinda dissappointed
Theres no question mark in the top right corner.. Is there really a hidden comic ?
No. Everybody who talks about the hidden comics in the comments just plays along with a giant conspiracy to make you feel left out.
It’s tricky to coordinate comments so it sounds like everyone is referring to the same “hidden comic” for each real comic, but it’s not like there’s a secret IRC channel where ASP fans can go on Mondays and Thursdays to settle what they’re going to pretend is in each “secret comic” — OR IS THERE?
When some one says that humans are unique like snowflakes then I all ways say that “you all look the same from up here.”
haha my godslug looks like tails from sonic
Is no one else reminded of Fight Club???????
those scissors are very crooked…… i’m disappointed in you wes and tony…… -_-
lol best hand turkeys ever.
i think it would be better if the kid only had one hand missing rather than two, so that he’d be soooo close yet so far from hand turkey. poor kid.
twin hatttttter