His tv want to see him off. Fortunatly for the guy, she waited for his return, forever believing that he was still alive, somewhere out there. Because theres no one who could turn her on like he did. He watched no matter what she put on, and always gave her attention. He never hit her.. Well, once, when she messed up and got into static, but she got help in the guardian-angel ‘repair man’. Together, Tv and guy would be, till the day one of them dies, or he gets a new set.
At least now he has an awesome beard.
and proper hair
He could sell trips to that island to cure balding too.
this one is awsome
i’ve looked at it like 5 times this i vote the best one
Wait, where’s Wilson?
No, its: Waaaaaaaaaaaaalt!
My name is Veydt, jackass!
my names voit
Wilsonnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was a great person
It was real good but the secret comic made it a bajillion times awesomer.
“Yeah right…” He mutters at the TV…. 5 minutes later…”Where was my immunity…”
Yea.. Thought Cast Away was way to long aswell..
Who could he be waving at?
His tv want to see him off. Fortunatly for the guy, she waited for his return, forever believing that he was still alive, somewhere out there. Because theres no one who could turn her on like he did. He watched no matter what she put on, and always gave her attention. He never hit her.. Well, once, when she messed up and got into static, but she got help in the guardian-angel ‘repair man’. Together, Tv and guy would be, till the day one of them dies, or he gets a new set.
True love ^_^
I love how he has a replacement long-sleeved blue shirt with matching stains.
He’s eating the same bowl of chips when he comes back
Ironically, his favorite show was “Lost”.
Wait, he has a TiVo AND a faux wood panel television?
also rabbit ears!.. and not flatscreen!
Well he really did earn a break… and he got to see the world. So what did YOU do on commercial break? HUH??
Why is he still fat after so much time on that island?
cuz he’s just big boned.
how did his pants turn green on the “boat”? lol
Your pants turn green anytime you get on a boat, I thought everyone knew that. What are teaching kids these days?
Clearly the island’s washing machine was broken.
What’s the moral of this story? When you get lost, you automatically turn into Zach Galifianakis.
Is it sad that he gained the weight again??
Poor man,,, Being shipwrecked whilst pregnant. That must’ve been horrible.
Over here its Sky+
Is this that Keith???????????