Actually, if you move your mouse to the top right corner and then go to the right a little more, there’ll be a question mark. Click on that to access the hidden comic
Blasphemy!!! Thou art not entitled to reveal thy holly secret!!! One must proove himself worthy before acceeding the Secret Chamber of The Secret Comic thingy…
It’s not like you can actually ruin this secret. Seems like nearly every other comic has someone asking how to find the secret comic. The secret has been published a hundred times and yet still it is safe.
Can’t take credit for this since it was an awesome Facebook status update one of my friends had, but it totally applies here:
Girls often complain about the fact that when a guy gets with a lot of girls … he’s a legend .. but when a girl gets with a lot of guys .. she’s nothing but a slut … i hope this analogy could clear up the confusion … when a key can open many locks … it’s a master key … when a lock could be opened by many keys … it’s a shitty lock
Just found the hidden comic, awesome. Now have to go back and look for all the others.
What hidden comic?
it says: “The great thing about this universe is the only thing you have to do to find your soul mate is to have sex with everyone”
Actually, if you move your mouse to the top right corner and then go to the right a little more, there’ll be a question mark. Click on that to access the hidden comic
Blasphemy!!! Thou art not entitled to reveal thy holly secret!!! One must proove himself worthy before acceeding the Secret Chamber of The Secret Comic thingy…
You Hath ruined the secret. SHAME ON YOU!
It’s not like you can actually ruin this secret. Seems like nearly every other comic has someone asking how to find the secret comic. The secret has been published a hundred times and yet still it is safe.
Great view from the top!
Or this top…
Indeed, my friend.
WTF! I have been on this site for 10 days now and I am just figuring this Hiding thing?
All those comics I missed on! AAAAhhhhggg
a.k.a. slut
The hidden comic is right next to invisible stewart.
the question mark at the right in the comico, in this one its awesome, but there is no hidden comic in the old comics
nooooo don’t tell him
I know… now it’s not a secret
The skeleton key in the hidden comic won’t be getting any.
On the contrary, he’s the Magic Johnson of keys. Tragic that he caught RUST.
The key disappered after he heard that she was locked up.
i like the extra comic, cuz my name is logan
Hey, me too. Also, if I were a key, I’d look like him.
Is it just me or does the key on the right look like it’s make for those little diary locks. I know who’s gonna grow up to be a pedophile!
It’s double funny for Dutch people because the Dutch word for lock is “slot”.
Do vikings come from Holland perchance ? …. perchance sounds stupid after thinking about submitting this comment over and over :O
No its not slot!
Brilliant comic!
I know the alt text is just meant to be funny, but it raises more questions: if only the soulmate can open the lock, shouldn’t they be happy for her?
Reminds me of this:
how on earth can you get the hidden comic?

it’s driving me nuts.
I’ve pressed f5 and nothing happens.
Who the fuck is Invisible Stewart
I know I’ve read all his comics and I can’t see him!!!
Can’t take credit for this since it was an awesome Facebook status update one of my friends had, but it totally applies here:
Girls often complain about the fact that when a guy gets with a lot of girls … he’s a legend .. but when a girl gets with a lot of guys .. she’s nothing but a slut … i hope this analogy could clear up the confusion … when a key can open many locks … it’s a master key … when a lock could be opened by many keys … it’s a shitty lock
of which gender was the person who had this as their status?
The alt-text is hilarious
the snail is wearing a leeloo costume. it’s quite disturbing i tell you.