What, you’re not going to point out the unrealistic appearance of the early humans, and the fact that actual cave painting pigments made far fewer colors available, not to mention the unlikelihood of those two even surviving such serious wounds in an era before medical knowledge? Why bother commenting?
Actual cave painting pigments ftw! From the really pricey aisle of Dak Bluk’s Ard Sbbli Styr, right? The ochre was the only one that was stable 4000 years. A little IR/UV hyperspectal imaging and it turns out there were color ones. The ancient hyperexpressionists, ur-Klimt and all…those are yet to be preserved!
I thought the cloud behind the dinosaur’s head was supposed to be it’s hair at first.
“Cave’s closed”
Due to dino-raids
Haha, Habbo Hotel
oh it isn’t? crap…
This is brilliant thinking. I really think we should just refer to it as afro-dino.
I never could get into that fashion craze when all the Dinos were sportin’ Fros…
a DINO with an AFRO
All hail the Afrosaurus
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that…
Haha T-Rex is awesome.
where’s utahraptor and dromiceiomimus at in that painting?
They are about to question T-Rex’s motives for eating and stomping.
Hidden comic is the best ever
woah just noticed the guy on the left is missing an arm
and 2 legs
the other guy misses legs as well
damn, this guy’s denser than I.
these guys.
they were the people in that t-rex attack drawing….. DUH!!! thats why they liked the other one better
Why is the T-Rex in the hidden comic crushing a log cabin and car?
Cos he can!
This is a philosophical/Language comic called Dinosaur Comics, or Qwantz.com its very mind boggling
i finally get y they dont have legs….god im so effin slowXD
Why? I don’t get it yet. D:
god you’re so effin slowXD
Woot for Dinosaur Comics reference!
how do you find the hidden comic?
The T-Rex definitely has a fro.
This one isn’t as subtle as others, but still it took me the longest to understand.
Ehmmm…There is a small gap of 65 million years between the time the last dinosaur died and the time humans appeared.
What, you’re not going to point out the unrealistic appearance of the early humans, and the fact that actual cave painting pigments made far fewer colors available, not to mention the unlikelihood of those two even surviving such serious wounds in an era before medical knowledge? Why bother commenting?
Actual cave painting pigments ftw! From the really pricey aisle of Dak Bluk’s Ard Sbbli Styr, right? The ochre was the only one that was stable 4000 years. A little IR/UV hyperspectal imaging and it turns out there were color ones. The ancient hyperexpressionists, ur-Klimt and all…those are yet to be preserved!
Am I the only one who actually reads both the alt text AND the hidden comics?
Oh….the drawings are prophectic ones and Urg forsaw the dino attack that cost those two their arms. lol. Took me a minute to get that.
how u see secret comics
not secret messegas
People only have 3 fingers…
he sold out to the dinos…
I find the lack of nipples highly disturbing.
The dinosaurs ate them.
Is quantz just a random spoof page? (Bottom of hidden comic mentions it)
Oh, I realized I spelled it wrong, nvm