Eoin is actually a female and her mother is lesbian so there is a chance she has never seen a penis…I’m not sayin I stalk but I don’t not follow people closely…
I think you’ll find that you misunderstand the word mother, she would have had to have sex to conceive “eoin”, excluding possibly artificial insemination or her being blind which both would have been far better reasons…
What the hell is with that guys hand when they’re shaking?! It’s like a claw. On second thoughts, all the hands in this comic are seriously disturbing.
I really really like this comic. Some comics of yours make me laugh and feel really bad at the same time, like the genie comic. This one however, I like a lot. Bums I always ignore (never treat badly or give them money) and I see way to many people treat them horribly, so this makes me laugh.
HA! the ultimate “Touché”
hahaha i like your comment.
Wait his date of birth is “11”…
Im so very confused!
God I hope you’re kidding.. lol
He isn’t
nope….. sad…..oh so very sad…..
In case you’re still confused, those are two slashes for him to fill in his DOB.
Ex: 08/03/55
i like it twice he likes it.
like it more.. i dare you. double dare….
i like it times infinity ……………………I rule!
Infinite times +1 touche ><
infinity x infinity!!! C-c-c-combo breaker
infinity X Chuck Norris!
Bruce Campbell. Your argument is void.
Infinity to the infinity power
Chuck Norris to the Chuck Norris power – I win.
Isn’t that how much the US debt is right now?
Chuck norrise plus chuck norris to the chuck norris power times chuck norris – (-chuck norris). I win.
Infinity x NYAN x CHUCK NORRIS x (1 divided by 0) x googleplex.
Every argument is invalid.
bobo wins
Chuck Norris wins over all of you!!!
Yes the C-c-c-combo breaker won
I agree. “C-C-C-Combo Breaker!” gave me a lol.
I dismiss BOBO for that comment based on Killer Instinct he violate at least 45 laws in Wisconsin.
I win……. Awesome victory
I hope you die BOBO dont be a douch with a wannabe C breaker
Since infinity is infinite, infinity+1=infinity+infinity=infinity. It’s all the same, and equally impossible to reach.
however…..infinity ^(chuck norris) is even more impossible to reach
Chuck Norris is overrated and overplayed. :O
agreed -.-
no he’s not…
you better pray chuck norris didnt hear that…pray real hard.
Damn right.
Also, he’s working at the place he bought sandwiches at when he begged for beer money.
I don’t know what a Bacon Log is, but I bet it is delicious.
The ultimate Bacon Log:
I am extremely glad that link did not show me a penis. My mother was in the room as I clicked it.
I’m pretty sure your mother has seen a penis before.
Ya mine
noup!, mine….. whait! you too?
Eoin is actually a female and her mother is lesbian so there is a chance she has never seen a penis…I’m not sayin I stalk but I don’t not follow people closely…
Erm, point of order, your honour.
I think you’ll find that you misunderstand the word mother, she would have had to have sex to conceive “eoin”, excluding possibly artificial insemination or her being blind which both would have been far better reasons…
My God, that’s magnificent
Artery Clogging!
This is my favorite i think. So witty!
Now that is hte ultimate revenge. Live btter than your enemy, then flaunt it in his face lmao
I like how you incorporated a damning statement on the quality of staff and management of fast food companies.
HA HA HA lol
What the hell is with that guys hand when they’re shaking?! It’s like a claw. On second thoughts, all the hands in this comic are seriously disturbing.
is he dotting his O’s on his application?
Scooter has a suit with 4 buttons whereas the other man has but one at most two.
Stupid one button peon.
Image is everything in advertising.
This might be my favourite comic on the site
LOVE the alt text!
know what i like? those little slugs at the top:)
or worms?
Read the FAQ. It’s Godslug. Duh.
dont forget tax…
bobo wins all the way
I like the mermaid reference to an earlier comic.
back wards its different
I really really like this comic. Some comics of yours make me laugh and feel really bad at the same time, like the genie comic. This one however, I like a lot. Bums I always ignore (never treat badly or give them money) and I see way to many people treat them horribly, so this makes me laugh.
my favorite ever i loved this so much and hidden comic made me laugh my pants off
i lurv this site- but wtf is this secret comic you are talking about? let me in the joke pliz?
That is awesome. The picture of the guy catching the mermaid is in a bunch of the strip. These guys have a particular eye for continuity.
lol, he goes back to the fast joint and says “whats on the dollar menu?”