Me and my husband were both at the computer when this one popped up, we fell over laughing while at the same time I accidentally broke my hubby’s rib cage because he had the misfortune of standing behind my chair.
It wasnt the roofies that gramma had that knocked her out. You see, after all her years as a stone-cold fox, she has built up a resistance to both that, alcohol and bullets. What knocked her out was the boring thanks giving, she requires explosion and homocide to keep her awake. She only went with Teddy because there was a promise of hard candies and fire arms. In fact, this comic takes place on the same thanks giving. She offered to drive the getaway car for Teddy. Fortunatly for the crossing guard in this situation, she left him alive, but just enough so that she could come by for a second round when she got bored at thanksgiving again next year
I thought the show would have been as good as the book. I didn’t make it past the theme song.
That is because the moment a human being hears the words ‘traffic cop’ they immediately hate all things
Thats what he gets for not bringing his stop sign into work.
Hahahaha. Soooo good.
That was excellent.
bad granny
Evil Grandma FTW
whats the six million dollars abt?
I thought this is abt “Robocop”!
I don’t know if you’re joking but….
There was this old 70’s TV series about a horribly injured astronaut who gets bionic implants and becomes a secret agent.
The implants cost 6 million 70’s dollars so that’s were the title comes from.
Haha, it’s the same gramma from the roofies comic.
Hidden Comic is Hilarious
…she KNEW. Evil granny.
“Wanted: Grandma for two strikes. One more strike and it’s a killing spree.”
One more kill and you get a UAV
If you have hardline, you already have a UAV.
Unless she replaced the UAV for something useful, like the AC130.
My crossing guard, the stop-light, run over by my mother, the car.
Now I know what the ditditditditdit noise at pedestrian crossings is. Bionic powers.
6 Million Dollar Man was one of my fave shows back in the day!!
That granny has a vendetta against THE LAW…THATS what the show SHOULD have been about!
Me and my husband were both at the computer when this one popped up, we fell over laughing while at the same time I accidentally broke my hubby’s rib cage because he had the misfortune of standing behind my chair.
good thing it was just the cage and none of the actual ribs. Nice thinking.
Best comic to date.
Naw, man.
You’d think that, but we went out a few times and, trust me, this comic is a total bitch.
Greatest comic yet I loled so loud it scared my wife,,,LOL
vieja de moerda!
My favorite!
did you see the granny’s face? she was driving with a PURPOSE XD
Yea, she was probably reacting to the mental damage that cousin teddy gave her.
This comic reminded me of that south park episode when the old people were like killers when they drove cars lolol
It wasnt the roofies that gramma had that knocked her out. You see, after all her years as a stone-cold fox, she has built up a resistance to both that, alcohol and bullets. What knocked her out was the boring thanks giving, she requires explosion and homocide to keep her awake. She only went with Teddy because there was a promise of hard candies and fire arms. In fact, this comic takes place on the same thanks giving. She offered to drive the getaway car for Teddy. Fortunatly for the crossing guard in this situation, she left him alive, but just enough so that she could come by for a second round when she got bored at thanksgiving again next year
Cousin Teddy just didn’t work out for her
The secret comic made me laugh so hard. Bad, bad granny.
I lol’d to the hidden comic. Great comics, saw one and now I’m here reading every single one of them through.
That is one solidly build Volkswagen. Even the traffic light man didn’t put a dent in it.
Man, this is one case where the actual comic made the hidden one funnier!
heh, that granny’s dangerous….
I wish the cop had a mustache, and that the traffic light had a matching one. That would have just been perfect. Still good though, I <3 ASP.
Granny was never the same after that fateful Thanksgiving.
I would wear a shirt of the hidden comic,
shame on the cop……………..twice, hahaha.
LOL classic!
faching old lady…