Pufferfish near the gonads would only be a blessing in disguise if he was hoping to commit suicide in the most painful and embarrassing manner possible. Poison spikes in the junk are just not most people’s idea of a silver lining.
“Look officer, I know you got this whole quota thing and all…but could you hurry it along? I got something burning in my nethers”
“Sorry sir, but hitting on an officer of the law won’t get you anywhere. Now where was I?…Oh right…Fish under the weight limit have to be thrown back sir…”
Whenever I’m swimming in a lake or even a very dirty pool, I dread the possibility that there may be a rogue candiru about.
Aren’t candiru only in the Amazon River?
And can only fit through when the victim’s peeing?
You’re welcome for dismissing your fears.
That’s why he said rogue, As in split up from everyone else
Kiss me, you fool!
Did you see her panty’s Kevin? They were whiiiiite.
Oh god, no!
insult with injury in hidden comic
Cop: “Alright sir, show me your rod”
Man: “uhhh…”
lol @ hidden comic.
always piss above the water
what about flying fish?
They can actually still swim out of the water in the piss stream :/
So the fish have pupils but the people don’t still creeped out by that lol. But it is still an awesome webcomic
Officer fines him for fishing out of season.
LOL at alt text!
Pufferfish near the gonads would only be a blessing in disguise if he was hoping to commit suicide in the most painful and embarrassing manner possible. Poison spikes in the junk are just not most people’s idea of a silver lining.
Oh man, this has to be the funnies alt-text of any of them! ROFL!
Saw this on animal planet haven’t swam in a lake since
“Look officer, I know you got this whole quota thing and all…but could you hurry it along? I got something burning in my nethers”
“Sorry sir, but hitting on an officer of the law won’t get you anywhere. Now where was I?…Oh right…Fish under the weight limit have to be thrown back sir…”
Is he pregnant?
Is that the fat guy from the Survival comic?
That is not the proscribed method for noodling.