Escape to New York
on February 4, 2009 at 6:57 pmTomorrow Tony and I are getting on planes and flying to New York. This will be our first East Coast appearance through AmazingSuperPowers, so that’s exciting. Tonight I’m packing, which leaves me searching the internet to see if they wear pants in New York in between trying to convince Tony that he isn’t going to be gunned down by rival rappers.
We’re both really excited (borderline aroused) to be traveling to NY, and being West Coast children it’s both of our first times going out there. Legend has it (and by “legend” I mean that it’s an arctic wonderland right now, which means that we probably won’t be able to fulfill our dream of renting a car and sitting in glamorous New York traffic all day. We’ll just have to be satisfied by falling “victim” to a frotteur on the subway.
One of the events we’ll be a part of there is a webcomics/print comics drinkup on Saturday, February 7th at Stitch NYC starting at 7 pm. It’s only a few blocks from the Javits Center, and there will be a bunch of authors and artists there wanting to drink and have a good time. It’s hosted by the guys from iFanboy,, and the ROFLCrew. I’ll post some reminders here again, so that way you don’t miss out on having us awkwardly making you spill the drink you just paid for all over your pants with a failed handshake, followed by pointing and laughing. Glamour! New York!
You know, I could probably come see you cool kids on Friday. I could bring my uber cool friend, who is a colorist for print comics. He’s cooler than I am and I happen to be very cool…. I suppose. Hey, I read your comics. That makes me cool, right? …. Being cool is still in style, isn’t it? Now, do you think it’s worth the almost two hour drive for me to come see people I’ve never met? Or should I go see a 3D movie? I could either help you and my friend makes awesome contacts or I could wear dorky glasses that let me see an ax fly towards my face. Gosh, this is a hard choice. I’ll get back to you or you get back to me. Seacrest out!!
It would be even cooler if you came on Saturday (the day of the event). If you wanted to meet us on Friday, it would be difficult to find us as we run around New York singing the Mary Tyler Moore theme.
to bad i live in the actual winter wonderland. (canadia)
ipso facto you guys rock.
not that I had a reason to use ipso facto, i just felt my quota was low for the day.