I’m just happy to see I’m not the only one that thought of vibrators when that movie came out. I mean honestly, looks at a adult store online…some of those “toys” would make great movie characters.
“Everything is looking good here. yes yes yes this is a fertile land. yes and we will thrive. We will rule over this land and we will call it “This Land”. Ah I think we should call it “Your Grave”
Why should the dildos hate themselves for being used by the wife? Obviously they wouldn’t! So the logical conclusion is that the hubby has been using them on the sly! Ah, the levels to this joke!
Haha this one took a few wonderful seconds to sink in… looked at the comic… took a second… looked at 3 back to 2 then 3 again and then 1… then 2 and 3 again… back to 2… then lol
The only thing that disturbs me most about this comic is the father isnt being a total dick to his son. I mean really, hes giving him cake and wishes? Sub par for my standards. And shouldent that kid be at school right now?
This is SO AWESOME! I literally LOLed, and that doesn’t happen very often, I can’t remember the last time I found something online that made me laugh like this.
It’s the girl from the previous comic! ^.^
How? are you blind? 2 second memory? in the last comic one wears glasses and is a bit fat and the other one wont make it to this comic…
LMAO @ hidden panel XD
Best. Hidden. Comic. EVER!
NOW it’s ruined Toy Story for me ¬_¬
I’m just happy to see I’m not the only one that thought of vibrators when that movie came out. I mean honestly, looks at a adult store online…some of those “toys” would make great movie characters.
lol, I never thought toy story can be so funny.
Wouldn’t Woody give you splinters?!?:0
Worth it
Eh eh, nice one
Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
“Everything is looking good here. yes yes yes this is a fertile land. yes and we will thrive. We will rule over this land and we will call it “This Land”. Ah I think we should call it “Your Grave”
Firefly FTW!!!! Lol
OMG your right its from the first episode
Oh Wash… you silly silly– now unfortunately dead– pilot
My heart is with you forever. And your dinos… And the crazy shirts.
loool thats awesome!
Wash is great.
What the heck is a “hidden panel”? Do you mean mouseover text?
its hidden, so you have to go find it. mouseover text = mouseover text != hidden panel
Ssshhh, don’t tell them.
alt=”Toys Are Alive” title=”Meanwhile, the boys is regretting being such an avid collector of dinosaur figurines.”
IT IS NOT MOUSEOVER… GTFO with your javascript!!
And yet, it appears when one mouses over the comic.
I’m curious, wat, are you EVER right?
Buzz and Woody FTW!
Also, “No more shall they in bondage toil, Let my dildos go” [Real lyrics! lol .. except for the whole dildo thing]
“Stretch out your rod and come across,
Let my people go. ”
“O let us all from bondage flee,
Let my people go”
LOL! That song is dirty. >_<
Why should the dildos hate themselves for being used by the wife? Obviously they wouldn’t! So the logical conclusion is that the hubby has been using them on the sly! Ah, the levels to this joke!
Two Guys one sandbox
uhh two girls one cup???
Theres only one place that things going
eh two…
Also Mad TV already went there with “Sex Toy Story”
Boy: Oh hello Mr. Rod… er.. thingy… would you like to play with Mr. Tyrranosaurus?
— All hell breaks loose.
OMG!!! Favorite comic of all time!!! ROTFLMAO at hidden comic!
Haha this one took a few wonderful seconds to sink in… looked at the comic… took a second… looked at 3 back to 2 then 3 again and then 1… then 2 and 3 again… back to 2… then lol
i know something else that only takes a few wonderful seconds……. Mr. Tornado!! hehe
The only thing that disturbs me most about this comic is the father isnt being a total dick to his son. I mean really, hes giving him cake and wishes? Sub par for my standards. And shouldent that kid be at school right now?
All of your comments are extremely insightful.
You either have too much time on your hands, or you’re an evil storybot.
Either way, BRAVO good sir!
The cake isn’t real.. there’s no plate/platter
Shouldn’t *those* toys enjoy what they’re made for? After all, they embody organs that enjoy ‘it’, as well.
The hidden comic was EPIC…EPIC! FTW
HA! this is priceless!
That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in a L O N G TIME!
This is SO AWESOME! I literally LOLed, and that doesn’t happen very often, I can’t remember the last time I found something online that made me laugh like this.
I’d do Wes
yay new hidden panel
I’m so surprised by the amount of people that comment on this comic and spell everything correctly.
i’m so suprised that you just said that considering what you have as your name….
I finally get it!
You got a friend in me…?