yea i know seriously! i wish it was that easy to convince chicks. though I think I would rather be slapped around and abused by the cartoon chick in this strip…shes might fine
Truth is on top of his text because she interrupted him, knowing she didn’t want the obvious dare from him. Maybe that was obvious, but I liked the overlapping text bubbles.
Ishook is pretty right. She clearly interrupted him to say truth, and that is the main reason her balloon is on top of the dare. She didn’t want to be dared to do something like that.
Its before…this is the guy that’s in a coma. His mom probably found him on his bedroom floor, duct taped to the bed post by one ankle and beaten to a bloody pulp. Oh and deep bruising around his throat with 3 finger nail marks on either side…she just wasn’t strong enough to end it for him.
Okay now I’m having fantasies where lindsay is choking todd and slapping him around until she sees me in my bitchin danzig shirt, and therefore knows I respect her as a woman, so she chokes and slaps me around while we do it and do it and do it and do it and do it and do it…
Funny how the look on the guy-at-the-right’s face changes. Seems like he likes it too.
That’s not a smile, that’s a look of paralyzed horror.
The hover text explains it. He has been doing this to everyone, so the third guy’s face in the first panel was reacting to that he would do it again
She agreed!
Rawr, Lucky him! ;D lol
When did she agree?
Yes I rather think she said ‘truth’ to avoid being dared into some violent fantasy.
Oh wait, got to check the “?”
yea i know seriously! i wish it was that easy to convince chicks. though I think I would rather be slapped around and abused by the cartoon chick in this strip…shes might fine
LoL… Todd
Frick , i was hoping she would say dare…xD
lol we know she does it anyway
it all works out in the end… hidden comic!!
Truth is on top of his text because she interrupted him, knowing she didn’t want the obvious dare from him. Maybe that was obvious, but I liked the overlapping text bubbles.
Ishook is pretty right. She clearly interrupted him to say truth, and that is the main reason her balloon is on top of the dare. She didn’t want to be dared to do something like that.
Does no one else notice that he just shouts that out without being asked a question?
Your answer lies within the alt-text.
Could this possibly be where the sex-tape emerges?
so this is before her father takes her eyes or after he gives them back?
Its before…this is the guy that’s in a coma. His mom probably found him on his bedroom floor, duct taped to the bed post by one ankle and beaten to a bloody pulp. Oh and deep bruising around his throat with 3 finger nail marks on either side…she just wasn’t strong enough to end it for him.
Okay now I’m having fantasies where lindsay is choking todd and slapping him around until she sees me in my bitchin danzig shirt, and therefore knows I respect her as a woman, so she chokes and slaps me around while we do it and do it and do it and do it and do it and do it…
The guy to the right looks like he’d rather be ANYWHERE but there!