A comic! We’re glad that we were able to provide this for you even though Tony tried to replace his laptop battery with magic and Wes was carried off by a hawk.
A comic! We’re glad that we were able to provide this for you even though Tony tried to replace his laptop battery with magic and Wes was carried off by a hawk.
Oh, that was a really good one. I got caught good with the last panel.
This is funny, my soc professor told us about a subject he was studying in the inner city madness, and this actually was exactly what the guy had to do to pay rent and get food.
I think that many people would be doing the same thing for money (for whatever reasons they have in mind).
Haha! That honestly seems like the kind of guy I’d give money to.
Is that Han Solo’s jacket though?
Just between you and me, that *is* Han Solo.
Nevar! Han Solo gets married to Princess Leia and they have 3 kids one of which gets his ass owned by some aliens pet crab and the sister kills the other brother when he turns evil!
Han left Leia after she got fat and hideous. He knew he was way ro damn good for her, so he left, but then lost all his money and the Falcon in the divorce.
Really…? But he looks so much like Thrackan Sal-Solo…
Hahaha, oh wow!
Reminds me of the time I gave a hobo my coffee (which I just bought), because he asked for change for “a cup of coffee”. He got pissed off, and I got pissed on. Either “coffee” is slang for heroin, or he didn’t like latte.
You guys are funny.
test by rohit
I hear that if you answer C all the way down you’ll at least get a 75%
I see what you did there.
Like that?
ROFL. Grim-and-awesome.
Wow, this web comic has changed everything about my life.
Seeing the world in new ways has never been so funny/good.
Thanks for making these and keep up the work – though the hidden comic was basically a repeat of this
Besides that, yesssssssssss!
I found this funny, but… It almost felt like social commentary.
Ive DONE what the man in the blue shirt did and ignored people asking for money for food…
Now I must find a corner and quietly weep.
you should set up an RSS feed for the hidden images, but you could hide the RSS feed to keep the game alive.
What? Tony Hawk?
I’ve been the guy asking for “beer money”…for food. And gotten the “thanks for being honest” comment. *sigh*
Well that was a surprise
Well played.
@Captain Kitty Cat, My strategy is to invite them to come with me so I can buy them the coffee | meal | bus ticket… It’s amazing how often they decline (not wanting to waste my time). On the few occaisions, I get to sit down and have a meal with someone, it is genuinely a joy.
Sometimes they decline because they actually want it for something they suspect I wouldn’t buy for them, but yeah, my strategy is always to offer to buy them the food of their choice.
Street performers get cash though. I got an amazing Shakespeare soliloquy from a middle-aged black woman who stank of piss one night. Best $5 I ever spent on theatre.
granuja estafador, no te puedes fiar sempre engañan al buen ciudadano.
you guys just keep on getting better.
also, the current 6-pack-to-sandwich exchange is 1 6-pack = .82 sandwich. just thought you might want to know.
I always thought the conversion was more like this:
1(6Pack) = 3.281(Sandwitch)
You’re both wrong. 1 six pack = 6.951 sandwhiches, cause beer is better than sandwhiches
not if you haven’t eaten in a while…
It depends on the beer AND the sandwiches, its like trading gold for money, you can get a lot of money for gold in zimbabwae but as if good beer come from zimbabwae…
well, you get the point… i hope.
By the way,why don’t you draw more comics of that orange fishy guy (grumpyfish?) ?
que indeseable engañar al honrado ciudadano pidiendole para una causa noble y mira
para lo que lo queria ¡ no te puedes fiar de nadie ¡
Haha Very clever . 2 thumbs up!
Funny . . .
but it’s very real actually
Wow. That’s really funny and really depressing at the same time.
he changed the sign in the hidden comic. he needs cash now.
Hah. this also reminds me of a story my dad told me. he saw a guy that said he needed money for food, so my dad went to mc donalds bought something and brought it back for the guy, knowing fully well that he just wanted money, and not food. he didn’t even take the mcdonalds. lol. so either he was just a cheapskate, or retarded. im guessing the first.
is that conan o’brien?
I thought the exact same thing.
as a vagrant in the states, this shit happens all the time. love it.
Comics on this site really make some deep sense, this one is about tactics used by sales people everyday.
I thought it was Marty McFly.
You should sell your computer, then you’d have money for beer AND food.
First ASP comic I ever read.
I laughed harder at this than at the comic, actually.
I think it’s George Lucas in the future! So to prevent this from happening he better start producing part VII,VIII & IX!
Ironically, the man is homeless and unemployed in the first place because he’s illiterate.
Does the unfocused sign say “have sex…”? Awesome restaurant!
Not sure if you care, but this blog used the first two panels of this strip without giving you proper credit:
you wouldn’t believe how often that happens to me….
generally if I’m in an innercity trying to make money, I have to spange people for beer because no one will give you money for anything else. mostly I do spend it on beer and dog food
fucking sausage vests
The sad thing is most people would give money to someone faster if they say they are going to use it for beer and not food. I
I like the little comments they’ve been leaving below the comics lately
(magic and hawks)