It’s traditional to have the headline in question facing the audience while the character commenting on it is “reading” the other side of the paper or magazine. One alternative would be an inset with the headline being read by the character, but that’s too tedious so what is done is the above (or in the hidden comic).
I like how that starts with “would it not…”, as if you’re a beard-stroking philosopher gazing thoughtfully into the distance and pondering life’s questions, or a loud political candidate making a point by counterexample.
oh man, this one made me chortle in class
the hidden comic… IT’S GONE!
OH NO! they are all GONE! =(
Calm down fellas. Keep looking.
Sneaky Wes… Very sneaky
Not everyone is all that fast. In all honesty, I miss the old way though. It was fun finding the hidden comics.
The hidden comics! THEY’RE ALL GONE!
Found it already. It was just in the corner of the comic.
There are hidden comics!!???
Now I have to go back through every single archive….
you guys are great! new site looks great too!
there’s a hidden comic? where? which corner? : /
Yeah! There are SO MANY possible corners on a rectangle, you guys HAVE TO tell us which one!1
sorrry. nvm. found it. darn…i wish i could delete comments. haha.
Don’t you mean Double darn?
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
Hahaha Epic XD
I found the easter eggs trough the source code, but yeah, that way is okay, too.
How can he read the headlines when they are facing away from him?
cont’d on B2
Which happens to be the page before… man, that paper is awsome!
It’s traditional to have the headline in question facing the audience while the character commenting on it is “reading” the other side of the paper or magazine. One alternative would be an inset with the headline being read by the character, but that’s too tedious so what is done is the above (or in the hidden comic).
I Fail… Cant Find It. :/
TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB oh hey, what’s this?
i tab away and nothin’ happens…
top right off the comic
ok, found it….. finally
There are hidden comments???
yes… the world is so confusing
double darn.
Man, why did you guys make the hidden comics not hidden?
he can just get a new fake id?
what? dont you know that if a man aquires two fake i.d.s, they will either fight for his love or they will both abandon him
just like women, eh?
Wow. Would he like a frozen yogurt? It’s also cursed. But you get your choice of a free topping…which is also cursed.
He should just move to Canada where its 19
move to another country with saner laws, like new zealand, australia or england
What was the old way?
Or, since he’s immortal, simply fight for the drinking age to be lowered.
This isn’t so Ironic Genie as it is funny.
Something this happened to my brother when they raised the drinking age to 21.
A Chick…you just said the double d word…
Fuck, that would be awesome.
If he got a fake ID once, why cant he just get another one?
would it not have been funnier to have him say “you have got to be “sh%#ting” me
I like how that starts with “would it not…”, as if you’re a beard-stroking philosopher gazing thoughtfully into the distance and pondering life’s questions, or a loud political candidate making a point by counterexample.
haha PWN! xD
btw the “hidden comic” what’s that? :O
aha i get it
Move to Canada
I think it’d be all right to be 21 forever if you had someone with you… It’d suck being alone.
Drinking age raised? Small price.
Also, noone cares for your (biological) age, they only care for the time you’ve been alive so far.
If he was twenty one, why would he need a fake license anymore?
I’d be fine with Immortality.
Let me guess – He shat bricks? Good thing he was sitting right there then.
Oh, I get it. It’s funny because Americans still have their drinking age higher than 18.
That is a comedies, yes?
thats bad luck for him