Check it out! There’s a comic up there! We managed to make it happen even though Wes was busy freezing a smile onto his face forever while Tony got caught up on the news.
Check it out! There’s a comic up there! We managed to make it happen even though Wes was busy freezing a smile onto his face forever while Tony got caught up on the news.
Lol, I liked the hidden comic because I could hear exactly how the characters must have sounded like
thought the catch was going to be everyone’s lying to him to make him feel better and that he’d try all of them at the same time and fail.
The truth behind it all has all been reavealed?!?!?! Sad…But really funny in the process.
reminds me of the cake, it was all a lie
HA! Thanks to comment moderation, you have been shamed and embarrassed. Sucker.
Seriously… what benefit is it to anyone if you proclaim that your comment is first, even if it is, indeed, first? Hast thou no life in that thou shouldst findeth purpose in any squalid nook at thine measure?
Wow, nosebleed, dude.
First… to fail? lol
no, s/he wasn’t even first at that.
the comments above you weren’t real, yo where first all the time
Ha, that was awesome.
This comic didn’t make me laugh. That power was inside me all along.
Oh placebos ^_^ You make everything our own fault <3
“Actually, it was a magic bat and cheat codes and Viagra. We lied about lying.”
I didn’t frame you. It was actually YOU who caused Lincoln to be assassinated!
Hahahaha hidden comic
Thanks for making a comic for me on my birthday.
I know it’s a lie and you were just making your usual updates, but this makes me feel better much like natural erections and magic bats.
You know that cartoon we made for you on your birthday… well…
and you experience natural erections? :O
I think the hidden comic can stand on it’s own. Mind you, it’s very mysterious, but I think it’s a bit funnier that way.
But… But… Those are good lies… I wish someone was fostering *my* self-esteem…
Sigh. You are beautiful, lucky, intelligent, and incredibly witty in an awesome way.
Now all you have to do is believe me…
REALLY!?……your entire life is one huge lie after another…just one more thing to look forward to…
If only it were that easy…
It is. Really. Um… yeah. Really. Yup.
He’s right…
The moral of the story is: never trust people with facial hair.
Aha, keen eye you got there.
Wait, that’s funny.
How do you see the hidden comic?
Look deep within your heart and then you will understand….or not.
We’re lying to you about the hidden comic.
You could see it all along!
It’s not at the top right corner of the comic, you’ll find it all by youself.

a lold so hard
This comic obviously takes place in the mid 80s on the count of the NES and that he still believes in magic bats and doctors could still lie casually
My insides! They burn with laughter all by themselves!
4th cell: That wasn’t actually a magic pair of scissors, you cut your hair all on your own.
Just tuned into this comic and read the past few strips. LOVED EVERY ONE OF THEM.
Subscribed ^^
That is hilarious. This comic is now bookmarked.
Wait, that’s funny.
that is a pretty funny comic, you’d think the guy would be happy huh?
Life is hilariously cruel BBR
Hit the tab key repeatedly until you gain desired results.
did you write this comic? i swear you must have.
did you even try? or was that just a random collection of memes?
Hit the tab key repeatedly until you gain desired results.
Don’t trust people with facial hair!!
Hahaha…so true.
The moral of this story is to never trust anybody, ever.
XD very funny as usual
I really like that one ^_^
man. that’s not even funny. that made me jealous!
God slug is arnold schwarzenegger!
The moral is that everyone with facial hair is a liar.