And that’s the third and final entry into the Prom Night comics! Tony was so excited to be done that he grew hair all over his face while Wes walked on (frozen) water.
ALSO, if you live in or near Portland, Oregon you should put down your bong for a minute and come see us at Stumptown Comics Fest!
I think the “Beerweiser” box in the background is a nice touch
I may have killed myself laughing at that last panel.
Joe couldn’t be that great, he didn’t even get laid on prom night
Don’t be so sure. Good looks only start to deteriorate after a few days…
I just cried laughing. Wes and Tony, this kid gets you.
Hey now, you don’t know that.
or did he…
Unless he is just that great, and people are just that sick…
don’t be so sure mate…
don’t be so sure
Well actually…
It’d b scary if he did
He was laid to rest. Does that count. No? O.k.
Never am… but anyway good one! loved the catch at the end and no-one spoiled it for me!
They crowned a tribble?
What happened to his date? I really wanted to see pimp daddy =-p
4/3???? squueeeee
p.s. I LOVE that you have added arcs!
i thought it was a personal shrine
Haha, Beerwiser…good comic guys.
shut your face, you stinking…..facemerchant!
It sure make scene to me.
So undeserved!
Black guy with sharp haircut becomes South Asian politician in the hidden comic.
hly crap these were hilarious
WOW Characters have their own tags!!!
Now we know what their names are (besides calling them black kid and orange hair guy)
Bonus one is so painfully true.
I want to go to the Comic Fest and see you guys but have to work.
I hope you guys come next year!!!
Heath Ledger’s Oscar only won his oscar because he was dead too.
They don’t give Oscars to Academy Award trophies.
Haha the caption got me the most.
I’m apparently really dense. I don’t get it. Can someone explain? Is the guy they crowned dead?
@Roarcopter, If you move your cursor to the top right of the comic, in the black area outside the white border, a white question mark will appear. Click on it, and it will give a couple bonus frames that make it clear.
I wasn’t quite sure either, don’t feel dense
Or at least don’t feel dense and lonely.
I never put my bong down, sorry.
To “ohhh!one!1”, I thought the same thing first. I thought he was playing all tough, saying he shouldn’t have got it, but deep down inside he secretly had a man-crush on him, and that was his shrine at home
Well, we don’t know that he didn’t have a man-crush on Joe. He might have a creepy, stalker-ish shrine to Joe at home… it just wouldn’t have the prom-king crown on it. (Unless he stole the crown off the public shrine to Joe in order to put it on his private Joe shrine.)
Now I’m wondering what ghost-Joe would think of all this…
Bahaha, secret comic makes this all the better.
That is a huge hamburger Joe’s holding in his portrait. He should hold it up higher.
That’s a helmet dude.
Battering Ram FTW
Wow, I’ve never noticed those bonus panels… guess it’s back to the beginning of the archives for me.