Pow! A comic bursts into the room where Tony was building a log cabin and Wes was merely wearing glow in the dark underpants.
Pow! A comic bursts into the room where Tony was building a log cabin and Wes was merely wearing glow in the dark underpants.
I think my favorite part of this was that Godslug was a unicorn. For me at least
guuurrrlll you best be trollin.
God Slug was never a unicorn. Ever.
For me he wear a condom
i never ‘wear’ condoms like that
yea but he has a horn in one of them
That would be the one eyed one horned flying purple people eater, classic.
lolz. Thats all I have to say.
So, does he survive and become a dork? or does he die of epic coolness… *find out next time?*
[Insert meaningful statement of awe here]
[Insert meaningful thought-out reply to meaningful statement of awe here]
[Insert Insert]
[Followed by troll]
[insert pointless criticism of troll’s statement, followed by statement complimenting dave’s statement of awe]
[Insert mindless mocking of unique response format here]
[Insert half hearted effort to get into this conversation of writing [insert…blah blah blah] for comedic effect]
[Insert blue card in slot B.]
[Insert C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER for lack of witty observation or wordplay here]
[insert penis…joke]
But that was non-alcoholic Beerweiser… he was cool all along.
literally lol
NO! Revive him! Then he’d be hot!
You can still be hot and dead. Heck, some people are into that.
That’s right, I just classed this place right up with a necrophilia joke. Oh yes.
You’ve got to give the kid credit. That is a pretty impressive array of empty bottles for one kid in one sitting…
Not really. Those are 28 bottles of AMERICAN beer, which means you can drink 15 without feeling drunk. And the kid has been drinking all night, 30 beers in one night is no exception.
However given the first panel he doesn’t seem very experienced in drinking, so maybe after all that’s not too bad…
Yeah because we all can drink 10 Liters of liquid in one night, soooo uncool.
“Beerwiser” because only losers drink lesser brands like” Beers light”
3 fingers? Wth. Why did I just now notice that.
I thought that he died. How can he get his stomach pumped? DOES HE COME BACK TO LIFE.
He wants his stomach pumped so he can hang it on the wall.
Total win here guys.
The hidden comic offers a tough choice, i still can’t decide.
Wut, why are you replacing my favorite father figure of ASP with this new Grey haired man!?
lol, who has corded phones now adays
Damn my alcohol intolerance. I’ll never be cool.
no tags?
Where can I get glow in the dark underpants?
still doesn’t beat Andre the Giant’s drinking record
Alright, the kid’s cool, but his dad is pure awesomesauce. Double chin, mullet … he could just blend in at one of my family reunions.
I can’t believe it! Why does he have to be so cool?
Oh yeah, he’s cool. I totally gotta get his myspace. WAIT…. I MADE him!!! I’m so EPIC!!!
Son, when your 21 you can become the most popular kid in school, or if you don’t like waiting, you can go to my extremely-large-amount-of-beer-in-the-living-room and drink now.
X marks the spot!
Red Band Beerweiser – Hooray Beer!
His son’s leg is long, he must be a giant.
I prefer wine, meeself.
only assholes drink wine
In relation to the hidden comic:
Doc: He’s going to make it folks.
Family: Yeaaaaah!!!!
Doc: He’s going to die as the coolest man in world history.
Family: Huh?…………..Yeaaaaaaaah!!!! Cool Party at My house for celebs.
I haven’t been in the cartoon in a while.
Bring back nipples!
So that’s what happened to Todd!
The slug thingy at the top of the screen is none other than Street Fighter’s E. Honda! :O
Too cool to live.
Why does this boy not have a name?
He is in there like Skip and Wyat. In manymany comics.
Always having damn misfortune….
too cool to live