Golf…Golf never changes. The end of the match came pretty much as we had predicted. Too many players, not enough clubs or carts to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones. The green was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing. An atomic put struck by human hands quickly raged out of control. Spears of Titleist rained from the skies. Flags were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling ponds. Humanity was almost extinguished. A quiet darkness fell across the clubhouse lasting many years.
… and the golf carts were frozen in the melted sand traps of fused glass from the heat of their tempers, as the winner tallied his scorecard and proclaimed himself the King of Golf Lundgren House.
That is a fair prize, but I’d be happier to just have my sanity back. The moose tells me I will never find it now that it has fallen into a large bowl of chocolate pudding.
War IS boring. But when a single emotion (fear) clouds the conscious mind all other emotions will fail to leave traces in the conscious memory even if they were abundantly active within the unconscious during said period of time. Men at war still suffer from the psychological and physiological effects of boredom (an emotion) even when they are not conscious of it and may never remember it. If a green clown rapes you while you are under hypnosis, you may not remember it, but the clown was nevertheless green.
I think they’re mostly referring to the Vietnam story they did were the the two cops flashbacked to their days at Vietnam and turns out they not only never saw combat, but they had nothing to do whatsoever. “The Hardest Thing to Kill, is Time”
Doubtful. He was obviously carrying the analogy too far for emphasis and humor. If you offended by such a statement, vets (I can only assume such as yourself) fought for our freedom to be disrespectful to whom we please, even vets.
You were reading comics online (like regular comics, but geekier) at about half past four in the afternoon. Trust me, you want to be on the side of the slow and weak, here, because the fast and strong aren’t on yours.
Doing nothing is better than doing golf!
Also hidden comic FTW
what is this hidden comic you speak of?
Scroll mouse over the top right (on the outside) of the comic, when you see a question mark appear, click it!
to the right of the strip and up. it’s on the edge of it
To the top right of the comic, if you’ll mouse over you’ll see a “?”, click it for the hidden comics.
Hidden comment is to the right of the upper right corner of the comic. You should see a white question mark on mouseover.
ÉMouse over the top right corner of the comic, there will be a question mark poping up. clic on it, its the hidden comic.
In the hidden comic Andy looks like he’s wearing some kind of short pope hat.
great hidden comic
That mouseover line is genius
so much win
Golf…Golf never changes. The end of the match came pretty much as we had predicted. Too many players, not enough clubs or carts to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones. The green was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing. An atomic put struck by human hands quickly raged out of control. Spears of Titleist rained from the skies. Flags were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling ponds. Humanity was almost extinguished. A quiet darkness fell across the clubhouse lasting many years.
You win everything. Forever.
Or he lost his faith in golf
… and the golf carts were frozen in the melted sand traps of fused glass from the heat of their tempers, as the winner tallied his scorecard and proclaimed himself the King of Golf Lundgren House.
chongo, internet-meme poser
That is a fair prize, but I’d be happier to just have my sanity back. The moose tells me I will never find it now that it has fallen into a large bowl of chocolate pudding.
I am pleased with this, I am.
what a nice addition.
I know Chongo already said it, but I’ll say it again. You win, sir. Bravo.
Fallout Rulez ^^
They decided to hide in vaults… it’s SO boring!
Standing around > golf.
Hitting a ball, fetching it, and then hitting it again goes against every theory of Darwinism I ever learned.
George Carlin would agree with you, mate.
My sentiments, Exactly!
Did the person who wrote the “war is boring” line ever see combat?
YAWN even the threat of your war story is boring me into a coma.
Did seeing combat ruin your ability to understand jokes?
War IS boring. But when a single emotion (fear) clouds the conscious mind all other emotions will fail to leave traces in the conscious memory even if they were abundantly active within the unconscious during said period of time. Men at war still suffer from the psychological and physiological effects of boredom (an emotion) even when they are not conscious of it and may never remember it. If a green clown rapes you while you are under hypnosis, you may not remember it, but the clown was nevertheless green.
I have to use that thing about the green clown at some point
I think it’s understood he meant war is boring satirically.
I think they’re mostly referring to the Vietnam story they did were the the two cops flashbacked to their days at Vietnam and turns out they not only never saw combat, but they had nothing to do whatsoever. “The Hardest Thing to Kill, is Time”
Wait no, I just remembered they saw combat, they were just bored is all lol
that’s why most veterans would rather play wii sports instead of CoD – because they wanna go back so badly
Give me a break kid. You have no idea about war and if you would’ve seen it you’d call it anything but fun
He thought he did once but it ended up being Burt Reynolds.
Did the guy who wrote the “Did the person who wrote the “war is boring” line ever see combat?” comment ever see humor?
Doubtful. He was obviously carrying the analogy too far for emphasis and humor. If you offended by such a statement, vets (I can only assume such as yourself) fought for our freedom to be disrespectful to whom we please, even vets.
Maybe, maybe not, but they probably had a sense of humour.
It’s boring because we already know how it’s going to end: A bunch of people die.
Probably not. Real combat troops know that war is a ripping good time for everybody involved.
War…war never changes…it’s boring…
Did any of you happen to think that maybe… just MAYBE they were talking about the card game, War?
so when did this get off subject about how much golf sucks?
War is fun. It weeds out the slow and weak.
You were reading comics online (like regular comics, but geekier) at about half past four in the afternoon. Trust me, you want to be on the side of the slow and weak, here, because the fast and strong aren’t on yours.
mouseover from war games, that’s nerdy
Golf: Nothing’s Better!
“Golf Lundgren” has renewed my faith in humanity with its epicness
everything about this is genius.. made my day guys. awesome site
hahaah.. looove the Golf Lundgren house..
I’m going to have to second that “Whoo!”
you’re all nerds
what if he just means the card game?
Hockey, a sport traditionally played by white men.
Basketball, a sport traditionally played by black men.
Golf, a sport traditionally played by white men dressed like black pimps.
I love to look golf playing.
Hehe. Truth.
Charleston Disc Golf – Learning Golf Or A Veteran Player Look No Further
Ya’ll’re doin it wrawng.
I love the Golf L. clubhouse sun! Very “Vinnie Van Gogh”