Here’s that comic thing that we do despite Wes separating from reality while Tony was immersed in ink.
Also, ’tis the season to take a look through the AmazingSuperPowers store.
Here’s that comic thing that we do despite Wes separating from reality while Tony was immersed in ink.
Also, ’tis the season to take a look through the AmazingSuperPowers store.
On the se7enth day of x-mas, Kevin Spacey gave to me…
Perfect. Just… perfect.
You’d be surprised how many bosses are murdered in restaurant bathrooms.
win, yeah, win
Are all of these characters new? I think i need to lie down.
i once got busy in an Applebee’s bathroom!
busy sawing off a head.
You gonna eat that?
hey man. sharing is caring
there are children in africa who could live off that head for a month! are you gonna take that away from them?
No he is gonna send them the body but keep the head to mount on a wall
lol se7en reference
Wow, you could go so far as to say that their boss is feeling a little……<__> ^_^ v_v LIGHTHEADED!!!!
uhh…. what?
*puts on sunglasses*
You forgot to put on your glasses.
”You… heading off?”
if anything he’s feeling lightbodied
I just died a little on the inside.
No… you really couldn’t.
Tony!!!! stay away from octopuses!!!
I like the poo on the sidewalk! Classy.
This doesn’t work for me… Good try, though =)
Anyone else notice the dog turd on the sidewalk?
X Christmas?!?!?!?
He should have shrunken it.
Aw, Crap! (anybody else notice that?)
Why is the box green? From the head, right? But why green? WHY?
Uh, giftwrapping paper??
i wonder what that coffe tasted like.
So how do you find the secret comic? I’d really like to know but have no idea how
Look for the question mark.
Can’t find it … gotta search some more …
At least he didn’t van Goghed them…
Was the boss an elf? That sure looks like green blood staining the box.
that friend has some sexy body rolls.
Perfect roll-over text. Perfect.
The fuck is an appleby’s?