Despite Wes eating a machine gun? I can see no reason why that wouldn’t speed up the process let alone stop it. Machine guns are life’s little motivators.
Did the Frat change its name between panel one and three? It starts out Omega Gamma Leaf (or tree, I can’t tell). Then it goes to Omega Gamma Fish (or Phish if you prefer…i do).
I assumed he went to get paramedics. Just under a handle of ethanol per person (yes, I did the math to find out how much alcohol they would be drinking each) in an hour would be step one in getting alcohol poisoning.
A handle of pure ethanol would put you BAC in the neighborhood of 4.2% which is 8-9 times a lethal dose. The world record BAC someone lived from was just over .9%. I am pretty sure even the Polish people would have a hard time tackling that(being Polish I would know).
good stuff! when i was a pledge, we got locked in a room with a keg and a 1000 piece jigsaw. we had to finish both before we got let out. it made for a long and interesting evening.
Yeah, my college didn’t appreciate my affinity for prohibition roleplay either…
That just mean more XPs!
Despite Wes eating a machine gun? I can see no reason why that wouldn’t speed up the process let alone stop it. Machine guns are life’s little motivators.
This was good
Wait, a frat guy with GLASSES?! Which universe is this in?
First Wednesday comic! Woo!
I’d pledge to Omega Gamma Fish, but they don’t have a branch here
I am so confused! Isn’t it Wednesday!? Don’t you update Monday and Thursdays?! WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERYTHING I USED TO KNOW. !!!!!!!! AHHHHHHGHH!H!!1!!11!!!
AND… If you’re promoting Tommy Monster, when are you going to promote boatcrime?
Looooooove you guyyyyyyyys. ;D
Did the Frat change its name between panel one and three? It starts out Omega Gamma Leaf (or tree, I can’t tell). Then it goes to Omega Gamma Fish (or Phish if you prefer…i do).
Where do you think he went for that hour!
I assumed he went to get paramedics. Just under a handle of ethanol per person (yes, I did the math to find out how much alcohol they would be drinking each) in an hour would be step one in getting alcohol poisoning.
visit poland, then we’ll talk
A handle of pure ethanol would put you BAC in the neighborhood of 4.2% which is 8-9 times a lethal dose. The world record BAC someone lived from was just over .9%. I am pretty sure even the Polish people would have a hard time tackling that(being Polish I would know).
You know what. “hey party people, just a gentle reminder that today is the first week we’re updating Mon/Wed/Fri!”
Just forget I said anything.
Except for the part about loving you. Still love you. In a not creepy stalker going to follow you home kind of way.
Hmmm my frat made me get in a van with candy or maybe that was old man jenkins I can’t remember which
idiot that wasn’t old man Jenkens that was Wes and Tony in their magic candy filled van of wonder
haha secret comic.
for those of us whose pc’s wont run the secret comic can you link us?
Just get a better browser…
Omega Gamma Fish, actually. But Beta Fish would have been great =D
No J Doggie because your not supposed share secrets
that poor beer.. so young, didnt have a chance
The guy on the right is a pokemon trainer.
The hidden comic is so full of win.
I…I don’t get it……
These kids should have instantly been made the president and VP of the frat!
(love the vest and hat combo on blondie – spot on)
good stuff! when i was a pledge, we got locked in a room with a keg and a 1000 piece jigsaw. we had to finish both before we got let out. it made for a long and interesting evening.
at least at the bottom hell have the beer with him to lessen the pain of all his bones shattering
After such flagrant littering, it is small wonder they weren’t allowed in! This is a green campus after all.
Brilliant comic, as always. They did what he asked, he should’ve let them in.
And yay for new site!
Very nice!