Because POPs do not readily break down, they pollute the air, soil, rivers and lakes, and
ultimately marine ecosystems, affecting all living organisms that dwell
in these habitats. Since discarding these precious stem cells are already out of the picture, parents or single mothers can either pay an extra amount of
cash to have a blood bank handle and store a baby’s cord blood stem cells or
they also follow the good Samaritan road and donate the child’s
blood to a government or public bank which
helps people in need of a donor for their own children’s stem cell treatments.
Crystal meth has some effects on the human body both psychologically and physiologically.
shouldn’t it be a lego man?
Hint: The mailman was a lego man… ahem.
Do Lego babies get smaller as they get older?
Too true, sir, too true.
i get it
got a box full of legos… i better go get a room
Secret comic win
Secret Comics FTW!
great and first
Yes and fail.
They need to potty train that lego child better apparently.
There’s a serious baby theme happening at Amazing Super Powers these days.
Zach’s pregnant. Tony and Wes are pregnant. It is the webcomic baby boom.
You guys should totally do some press releases. That’s like some serious news. You’d definitely see a traffic spike.
That means it’s lunch time.
Do we get some new recurring characters?
Can’t wait for the return of the mayo!
Isn’t this entire comic just reoccurring characters?
at the last panel, I totally imagined background music going “DUN DUN DUNNN!!!”
favorite secret ever
I think we need to get Maury in here…
oh my God epic secret comic
So wait… does that mean we’ve been playing with Lego embryos?
(seriously, awesome comic)
It’s weird. I thought I was simulating Lego sex with two bricks correctly all these years. Come to find out, I’ve had it all wrong.
There’s your problem. Do not simulate – do!
I like how the second panel is a continuation of the first panel.
The Secret Comic is the best ever.
That baby looks more like duplo to me.
…Guys, i think she’s cheating on him.
Hahahaha, did not see that one coming
where is the hidden comic?/ how do you find it or go to it?
shouldn’t the man have 3 toes not 2? Like the hand has a thumb and 2 fingers?
oh snap, that’s gonna hurt big time!
How do you see the secret comic?
I don’t think I have ever seen a comic with the feet. Good to know they are just a strange as the hands
just shit bricks…
Man, she’s ALWAYS one-upping him!
she totally cheated on him with some danish dude
Is Legoland like the playboy mansion for the baby?
lol I like how she hold the lego like it’s Simba read it backwards.
Because POPs do not readily break down, they pollute the air, soil, rivers and lakes, and
ultimately marine ecosystems, affecting all living organisms that dwell
in these habitats. Since discarding these precious stem cells are already out of the picture, parents or single mothers can either pay an extra amount of
cash to have a blood bank handle and store a baby’s cord blood stem cells or
they also follow the good Samaritan road and donate the child’s
blood to a government or public bank which
helps people in need of a donor for their own children’s stem cell treatments.
Crystal meth has some effects on the human body both psychologically and physiologically.