Well look at this! A comic is here despite Wes and Tony figuring out how in the hell they are getting their bodies to San Diego for the yearly riot.
Well look at this! A comic is here despite Wes and Tony figuring out how in the hell they are getting their bodies to San Diego for the yearly riot.
Well, He should have been using blue weights. One day he’ll happen to pick a different color and she’ll be all over him.
I’ve never thought of having your eyes sweating XD Great originality!
Really? Google it.
Looks like Kieth has a new haircut that he’s sticking to.
That was a surprisingly touching hidden comic. Also, first. I think…
I know, right? Very touching hidden comic 🙂
So deep..
He’s doing it right. Not doing regular exercise and holding back emotions makes your life shorter… although it has the “have more misery in life” side effect, but nothing the 24/7 internet won’t cure. 😀
Andy seems to look more fitter than Kieth does
I also believe Andy is more smarter 🙂
And his dad is super rich. I’m having Andy’s babies, sorry Keith!
And more manlier.
now he should go for some cardio to rehabilitate his torn heart… get it… cardio… torn heart? I’ll leave now.
Aw, that was so sweet 🙂 I wanna give him a hug.
He needs to lay off the emotional training. There is such a thing as too much.
Awww, lovin’ the bromance in the hidden comic! 😛
My emotion muscles must be pretty strong by now because my eyes always sweat before I go to sleep.
This is the first comic with a gym in it, and the character doesn’t work out but cries and makes excuses. I will go out on a limb here and say that Wes and Tony don’t have a 6 pack.
Actually, you’d be surprised how well crying works your abs.
pics or it never happened
Look at those cryceps!
So that’s what they mean by guns. It’s a METAPHOR! Okay, okay… no wonder they kept freaking out when I’d bring Rugers to Golds.
They’d just say, “Sir… sir… sir…”
So I’d say, “I’m here to work my guns!”
And then they’d stop speaking all together and just tremble.
But now I get it.
What makes me really laugh is I was just watching an episode of the Incredible Hulk where David explains to Lou Ferigno how feelings are like muscles and need exercised…