Hot damn! More comics? How is this possible?! Wes and Tony are at Comic-Con with Topatoco (Booth #1229) flipping over tables and shouting nonsense.
Come say “hello” and have them sign an early copy of the new book!

Probably a bad idea.
Hot damn! More comics? How is this possible?! Wes and Tony are at Comic-Con with Topatoco (Booth #1229) flipping over tables and shouting nonsense.
Come say “hello” and have them sign an early copy of the new book!
Probably a bad idea.
Hidden comic is both hilarious and depressing at the same time. How do you guys do it?
They draw pictures, then put word bubbles on them.
Aha. Poor Skip…
This is sad, now I’m sad. I need a hug.
Here you go.. *hug* Oh.. Yeah…. Get in there, real close.
I’m not sure… But they may have preferred a non-molesty hug.
That think poking you sexual offender, ya that’s not mr. happy. Yes I keep a glock in the front of my pants, but that’s still not poking you.
C’mon give me some sugar!
Is that a regular show reference?
No sigs on his cast? That’s gotta smart!
was that your attempt at a pun?? now that is whats sad about this whole thing…. not the comic… thats not sad enough enymore… you have out done it in sadness… i feel sorry for you
Whoa whoa calm down
U mad bro?
I the undersigned. do here by relinquish all of my pity to the owner of this cast. X Rinaldootje
Oh, Goddamn. Leave poor Skip alone!
My dad never signed my casts either, he did throw the bottle at me though.
Thats why he had the cast in the first place
I wish I wasn’t poor so I could afford to travel to the states and attend Comic-Con 🙁
‘I wish I weren’t poor’ it’s ok, you don’t need to thank me.
Jesus Fucking Christ, could you be a bigger douche than thedark1?!?
I doubt Jesus’s middle name was “Fucking.”
i was there, this really happened! 😉
Awe saddd…