Not that he couldn’t just be another man named Marlon Brando. For instance, my father has a friend named Peter Frampton, born not long before the musician of the same name became famous.
#1: what the hell?
#2: Yes you are.
#3: OK, you must be really young.
#4: Good, now you know who he was.
#5 here’s hoping you watch some of his movies.
Wow, how did you get Marlon Brando to take a part of ASP?
Lying; The greatest invention ever
Speaking of which check out The Invention of Lying on Blu ray and DVD today. not VHS… who has VHS anymore? And if you do… Join the 21st Century
You will hear from my lawyers!
Yeah, you’ll hear from me! *waving fist in an angry way*
Not that he couldn’t just be another man named Marlon Brando. For instance, my father has a friend named Peter Frampton, born not long before the musician of the same name became famous.
Throw a wig on him and he might pass for Marilyn Monroe.
panel 3 has now become my favorite move to pull IRL
Who the hell is Marlon Brando?
Vito Corleone in The Godfather, Kurtz in Apocalypse Now… and so on.
Who the hell is Jonathan?!?
Jonathan is an American comedian and actor.
Who the hell is hell?
Now that is good acting
i’d buy that napkin.
I guess that must have been how much their bill was lol
His gums in panel 3. I cannot unsee them.
No, but you can re-see them!
So hopefully I’m not the only one who went to Google to find out who Marlon Brando was *sad face* awesome strip none the less 🙂
Stages of acceptance:
#1: what the hell?
#2: Yes you are.
#3: OK, you must be really young.
#4: Good, now you know who he was.
#5 here’s hoping you watch some of his movies.
I don’t know if I should feel old now.
Nah, I’ll just put it down to good educational background.
Yeah, it’s got to be the education. If not “Name Recognition of Retired/Deceased Actors” what are they teaching these days?
*mumble mumble* offer *mumble* refuse *mumble mumble*
HA the whos the Wild One now!
Win. Epic Win
i want that autographed napkin!
Hmmmm. That guy looks way too thin and alive to be Brando.
What if I lied and told you I was first to post?
what if you had hidden text in the hidden comic?
That’d be neat.
I hope his girlfriend is named STELLLAAAAAAAAAAA
It would be hidception
Marlon Brando invented a system for tuning bongo drums. It’s true.