A comic is here despite Wes floating around while Tony was a film connoisseur.
Also, you’ll now notice a little “hover text” button at the bottom of posts for you mouse-less tablet dorks.
A comic is here despite Wes floating around while Tony was a film connoisseur.
Also, you’ll now notice a little “hover text” button at the bottom of posts for you mouse-less tablet dorks.
there was a bouncer at a bar that i used to go to. i got to know him a little bit and one day he was gone. turns out he got hired on as a pastry chef at one of the nicest restaurants in town. so the guy i had once seen pick up two men at once was now frosting cupcakes, and couldn’t be happier.
I totally just imagined Mr. T as a pastry chef….
It’s not frosting…
I think you confused ‘pick up’ with ‘pick up’
I’m happy to be the FIRST to say I never had problems to get into club since I was 16
nobody cares
How old is Keith again?
So sad …
seems like a nice guy though…
Just another day at “Expensive Drinks”
GOOD CATCH! improves my enjoyment of this comic
That bouncer sits there for hours, just trying to figure out where he went wrong.
that is so sad
Are there seriously people without mice… #_#
Gotta remember the “mouse-less tablet dorks” quip for my next encounter with the mouse-less tablet dorks…
Tablets on the go, man! At least u don’t have to look at them all over again on ur desktop (or laptop) to get that extra beautiful bean footage…er, I mean hover text
oh man, great one today guys. poor fella.
wow. for a sec there i thought he was talking about me.
Awww, I wanna give the black man a hug!
But he still does his job.
As a 300 pd black man, who grew up in the bad part of town, I can honestly say I am not.
…Are not what?
I must know. What is the name of this establishment?
I think he needs a hug.
I keep my failed community college id for student discounts…