A comic is alive for the world to see despite Wes crossing the desert while Tony was severely disappointed.
HA! I love how harsh he is to his son. More please!
looks like a nice enough park, though
why don’t I have such an awesome dad? One day I want to become a dedicated father like Ken.
you have to be worthy enough… also unlucky enough
You know those dreams where you’re about to get lucky, and then someone has to go and be a dick and wake you up? Yeah…
To be fair, it’s a pretty awesome dog. It wins prizes, you know.
haha, poor kid
I’m reading all ASP strips with Ken in them to brush up on my fathering skills. Due in two months. God I hope im not taking a nap when it happens.
Love it! It needs more poop jokes!
well, sometimes women poop when they give birth so maybe that counts?
That’s no poop. Its a baby! You’ve been flushing babies this whole time!
Okay, this dad is a lot like my dad. Of course I was baby#5 so I’m surprised he even noticed I was there.
At that point I would be surprised if you had a name.
haha, love this one.
lol, I will keep reading your comics every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Haha! Poor Tony and his “Black Ship Down but with bunnies” disappointment.
Gotta love that the laughter doesn’t stop with the comic.
skip is such a jerk, he doesn’t deserve ken as a father.. how dare he indirectly interrupt his nap?!?the nerve…
Dear Wes & Tony My university magazine has terrible comics, if we promise to promote your book can we publish your comics? pleasepleasepleaseplease
Email us.
There goes Skip’s lunch money again (sandwich/iou?). I wonder if Ken and the bully plan these things out otherwise they’d wait a while for their money/sandwich/etc.
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HA! I love how harsh he is to his son. More please!
looks like a nice enough park, though
why don’t I have such an awesome dad? One day I want to become a dedicated father like Ken.
you have to be worthy enough… also unlucky enough
You know those dreams where you’re about to get lucky, and then someone has to go and be a dick and wake you up? Yeah…
To be fair, it’s a pretty awesome dog. It wins prizes, you know.
haha, poor kid
I’m reading all ASP strips with Ken in them to brush up on my fathering skills.
Due in two months. God I hope im not taking a nap when it happens.
Love it! It needs more poop jokes!
well, sometimes women poop when they give birth so maybe that counts?
That’s no poop. Its a baby! You’ve been flushing babies this whole time!
Okay, this dad is a lot like my dad. Of course I was baby#5 so I’m surprised he even noticed I was there.
At that point I would be surprised if you had a name.
haha, love this one.
lol, I will keep reading your comics every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Haha! Poor Tony and his “Black Ship Down but with bunnies” disappointment.
skip is such a jerk, he doesn’t deserve ken as a father.. how dare he indirectly interrupt his nap?!?the nerve…
Dear Wes & Tony
My university magazine has terrible comics, if we promise to promote your book can we publish your comics?
Email us.
There goes Skip’s lunch money again (sandwich/iou?). I wonder if Ken and the bully plan these things out otherwise they’d wait a while for their money/sandwich/etc.