The holidays are just around the corner, lurking, waiting, and holding a knife. What’s also lurking are shipping deadlines, so if you happen to be interested in picking up the new ASP book for any friends/enemies, grab that thing before the world snows over!
I figuratively pissed myself laughing.
Yeah, dude, that’s not what ‘figuratively’ means
It is if he didn’t.
Unless, you know. He didn’t actually piss himself laughing. Because he probably didn’t. So it would be figuratively…
The amputation is the worst part of the appendectomy…
The appendix isn’t really vestigial since it actually does have a function, it serves as a warehouse for good bacteria to grow and replicate. So yeah… I guess good bacteria can grow and replicate on good diction too…
I remember when something like that happened to me in college. I miss her almost as much as I miss my spleen…
Is that the stabby doctor?
This comic made me literally sit in my office chair and chuckle quietly to myself so that nobody around me would notice. Literally!
It’s not literally if it couldn’t be taken figuratively
Actually, literally is defined to mean “not literally” in most dictionaries nowadays… 🙁
that literally baffles me!
But it is frowned upon in that usage…unfortunately no one cares…literally…
…and “flammable” means “inflammable?” What kind of crazy language is this anyway?
The English language: A language that the word “fly” can mean “a method of transportation”, “A small insect” or “A critical component of blue jeans”
This language is just asking to be mangled
Wow, the hidden comic on this one really nails it. I’m sure everyone at work thinks I’m crazy now.
Yes…yes we do.
So what? Sanity is for the weak!
And that’s why we invented the straight jacket….because insane people are ridiculously not weak.
And invented explosives as well!
Love hurts, but diction smarts
No. Cancer is not funny. Making a joke about cancer is the worst thing a person can do. oh wait. This isn’t cancer is it. oh my bad. then this comic is hilarious.
I would “literally” introduce my friend’s face to my boot…
I’m glad I’m alive to read this.
hahaha…he’s got ‘a pen dick’…
I can’t stop laughing…
Gosh she broke his appendix. Heartless cow!!!
Well…well you’re a dicktion!
-is hurting more than just yourself.
Please, for those of us who care and for yourself; Stop correcting people’s language.
How is your name like that? O_e
The longer i stare at your emote, the weirder it gets.
Thanks for taking a stand against the misuse of “literally.”
Since the early 20th century, literally has been widely used as an intensifier meaning “in effect, virtually,” a sense that contradicts the earlier meaning “actually, without exaggeration”: The senator was literally buried alive in the Iowa primaries. The parties were literally trading horses in an effort to reach a compromise. The use is often criticized; nevertheless, it appears in all but the most carefully edited writing. Although this use of literally irritates some, it probably neither distorts nor enhances the intended meaning of the sentences in which it occurs. The same might often be said of the use of literally in its earlier sense “actually”: The garrison was literally wiped out: no one survived.