I think poison would be better. Anybody who would beachcomb wearing white socks and sandals, let alone the pink fanny pack, deserves drawn-out and agonizing convulsions…
Good job. Ever since I first found your comic, five to ten minutes of every day have been filled with glee. Thank you. When I discover a way to transfer my brain into a computer, you guys will be the first to become immortal. I’d like you to be able to make comics forever.
The pink fanny pack tells it all
I think the name, “Suicide Beach” says it all…
500, right Now?
I just have the feeling that it was just yesterday when i first find this page and it had only 7 comics so far… Damn you INTERNET! WHERE IS MY TIME?!
I think poison would be better. Anybody who would beachcomb wearing white socks and sandals, let alone the pink fanny pack, deserves drawn-out and agonizing convulsions…
I am.
Happier than that guy, at least.
I’m not.
ROFL secret comic was great.
He’s probably trying to figure out how to rebury it in the last two panels…
*Insert tripple rainbow here*
You celebrated 500 comics with a suicide reference? Dark Humor indeed.
Poor chap, I feel you man.
I *am* happy, thank you.
This is very sad
Also, you have no ears.
I was expecting the hidden comic to be the beachcomber taking the gun to sell at a pawn shop.
I feel sorry for the kid who was just grabbing sand to make sandcastles.
My hobby is not stupid. I go around burying guns with notes in random places.
That is the the same advice Wes & Tony’s parents gave them about their comics, but look at them now!
That guy is just waiting for whoever buried the gun, then he’s going to return the bullets.
I feel like it’s been more than 500
…or maybe it’s because I had to go back and read all the secret comics when I found out about them
He was so happy in the firs panel
Congrats guys.
Good job. Ever since I first found your comic, five to ten minutes of every day have been filled with glee. Thank you. When I discover a way to transfer my brain into a computer, you guys will be the first to become immortal. I’d like you to be able to make comics forever.
He’s just… SO happy to have found something in that first panel. The delight is palpable.
I wonder how many times the gun has been reburied?
This is my first trip here and the first comic I read has my mind all over the place. Excellent job in making a reader feel something.
Stupid hobby? But now I have a gun! Who’s stupid now…NOW… bwahhahah…
Glorious. This is such good stuff. Aww, suicide. So funny.
GAHH paradox!
Catch .22 indeed