Here’s a comic even though Wes and Tony exploded and died forever.
“Here’s a comic even though Wes and Tony exploded and died forever”
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Why isn’t Mussolini there? Are there no trains in heaven? Surely there must be trains in heaven, trains are awesome!
Can the trains run on time in a timeless heaven?
This comic made my day.
Vintage Nintendo controller!
WoW i dunno about this one still the hidden comic made me laught “sigh” i am going to hell maybe i need to find my own final solution
God: I only let up Pol POT because I thought he could bring some of his stash with him.
God is playing Civilization.
On NES? I guess he’s God afterall…
it’s gotta be Populous
So that’s how they got to know where hitler is, explosions ftw!
It’s not like I was letting the Jews in anyways.
That would have been a better (but maybe ‘too far’ alt txt). Well done : )
The hidden comic is going on my fridge!
LOLZ at the hidden comic. Who gives a shit?!
That hidden comic had me bursting out laughing.
I don’t object to God-comics, but making fun of WWII is not my cup of tea. One bookmark less for me. Ciao.
It’s hilarious that you say “Ciao” with attitude. You think Italy was Allied or Axis during WWII?!
I’m easily offended and dissagree with you as to what you find funny. I say goodbye in other languages because my mommy told me that was how to make friends.
you know if you are easily offended then why are you on the internet? seems like you should be playing with your friends down at the FCC
How can making fun of something be a cup of tea? What kind of tea are you drinking?
And what does this all have to do with bookmarks?
I’m confused. Ciao.
I’m italian and i can tell you, mussolini was due to heaven with hitler, but in real WW2 fashion he changed his mind midway and gone to hell instead
I don’t object to P but Q was {R-country based phrase}. # >/< (noun) for me! S-language greeting/farewell.
I don’t object to farts in public but dispelling gas through your anus in a swimming pool is not my cup of tea. One less bullet for me. Ciao.
God has a sweet mohawk!
The hover-text made me literally laugh out loud.
God is so powerful he can choose when and how to use a question mark!
Why is there a Heaven if people become ghosts when they die in ASP world?
Could God make a joke so offensive that even he is unable to break the awkward silence afterwards?
I’m a devil and I find this offensive.
God in this sorta reminds me of the Devil from dinosaur comic.
This would be better if it was Mohammed.
If i may ask, what harm does Mohammed had done to you?
GOLD!!!! You’ve struck gold with this one! And God, probably
Hidden comic is fantastic!!
Finally, a “God” we relate to.
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“Here’s a comic even though Wes and Tony exploded and died forever”
*No comments*
Why isn’t Mussolini there? Are there no trains in heaven? Surely there must be trains in heaven, trains are awesome!
Can the trains run on time in a timeless heaven?
This comic made my day.
Vintage Nintendo controller!
WoW i dunno about this one still the hidden comic made me laught “sigh” i am going to hell maybe i need to find my own final solution
God: I only let up Pol POT because I thought he could bring some of his stash with him.
God is playing Civilization.
On NES? I guess he’s God afterall…
it’s gotta be Populous
So that’s how they got to know where hitler is, explosions ftw!
It’s not like I was letting the Jews in anyways.
That would have been a better (but maybe ‘too far’ alt txt). Well done : )
The hidden comic is going on my fridge!
LOLZ at the hidden comic. Who gives a shit?!
That hidden comic had me bursting out laughing.
I don’t object to God-comics, but making fun of WWII is not my cup of tea. One bookmark less for me. Ciao.
It’s hilarious that you say “Ciao” with attitude. You think Italy was Allied or Axis during WWII?!
I’m easily offended and dissagree with you as to what you find funny. I say goodbye in other languages because my mommy told me that was how to make friends.
you know if you are easily offended then why are you on the internet? seems like you should be playing with your friends down at the FCC
How can making fun of something be a cup of tea? What kind of tea are you drinking?
And what does this all have to do with bookmarks?
I’m confused. Ciao.
I’m italian and i can tell you, mussolini was due to heaven with hitler, but in real WW2 fashion he changed his mind midway and gone to hell instead
I don’t object to P but Q was {R-country based phrase}. # >/< (noun) for me! S-language greeting/farewell.
I don’t object to farts in public but dispelling gas through your anus in a swimming pool is not my cup of tea. One less bullet for me. Ciao.
God has a sweet mohawk!
The hover-text made me literally laugh out loud.
God is so powerful he can choose when and how to use a question mark!
Why is there a Heaven if people become ghosts when they die in ASP world?
Could God make a joke so offensive that even he is unable to break the awkward silence afterwards?
I’m a devil and I find this offensive.
God in this sorta reminds me of the Devil from dinosaur comic.
This would be better if it was Mohammed.
If i may ask, what harm does Mohammed had done to you?
GOLD!!!! You’ve struck gold with this one! And God, probably
Hidden comic is fantastic!!
Finally, a “God” we relate to.