Today’s guest comic is by Rob DenBleyker of Cyanide & Happiness! He is as handsome as he is talented, a true gentleman we should all aspire to eat. You can check out his stuff at Explosm!
Today’s guest comic is by Rob DenBleyker of Cyanide & Happiness! He is as handsome as he is talented, a true gentleman we should all aspire to eat. You can check out his stuff at Explosm!
Read today’s C&H closed and switched to ASP tab, read this comic thinking it was still C&H and then got very confused when I realised I was on ASP.
Enjoying the mind games and guest comics.
Haha same exact thing happened to me!
Wahahahahaha me too
Me too, even though I usually go “C&H, SMBC, ASP”. For some reason I skipped SMBC today.
Are you…are you me?
I do the exact same, except I check smbc daily.
good to know i’m not the only one…
oh and xkcd
Same thing happened to me. It’s going to be a crazy day.
Such brilliance.
Nice mustache!
To bad the kid won’t inherit it.
FUCK YEAH!!! :DDDDD i love it!
Holy flaming turtle dicks.
ASP and Explosm on one website? lolyay.
More Ken and Skip guest comic? They’re either really popular or there’s a theme going on here.
Anyway, this is really funny.
For a moment there I thought I checked my sites in the wrong order..
this is so wrong but funny as hell
Yayyyyyy my 2 favorite comics on one site
I was sightly confused.
Awesome. I go to C&H to check their daily comic out, and then came here and realized awesome double dose!
I love this site so much, the comics, the guests, awesome!
Yes a new earl ep soon and this. Life is alright at this moment.
“a true gentleman we should all aspire to eat.”
I don’t……I just can’t…..
No comments on this? Really?
… really? 1: Your comment was after mine, and I replied to a comment, meaning I could see the comments. Is something wrong with your internet?
2: Approval. Always approval.
ironically the C&H comic was also made by rob today
It’s not ironic, it’s a coincidence.
Where does he get that Amazing Super warped sense of humor?
>Read C&H.
>Get on ASP to read new comic.
>See C&H.
>Confusion ensued.
Love. Especially the hidden comic
Is that… “father” on a treadmill or something?
Nothing makes me happier than seeing two of my favourite webcomics getting on. =3
My two favourite webcomics just had sex!
awweeesomme mashup
Cyanide and Happiness in combination with ASP! This is so awesome!
Rob is by far the best writer of Cyanide and Happiness
I love reading Cyanide and Happiness.
I love cyanide and happiness!!! this made me happy