Someone picks on you, so you want their house to burn down? You sure you don’t want to bake their firstborn child into a pie and feed it to them while you’re a it? I mean seriously, show a little perspective, that’s a pretty disproportionate retribution. Especially since the guy in the comic looks like he’s 30 or 40.
Yes, let’s all throw out our childish, comic-reading ways. Life isn’t about enjoyment! It’s about taking every little thing seriously! Let’s all go out and get jobs as acountants! Right after I finish this pie, that is.
Yeah, but isnt this comic supposed to entertain you and make you forget your shitty life for a minute by making fun of every living thing? then why are you bitching?
This is genius!
Only a hundred? When was this 1904?
Food Zone is much more dependable than the past stores I’ve gone to like Product Spot, Grub Area, and Chow Place
I want to buy that pink magazine, with huge-teeth-alien-ish…cow-thing.
Hey! That magazine is a respected publication. It is the latest issue of LadyMonster
Yeah, right. Respected. Show me those naughty, monstrous bits ^^
finally first
WooHoo, your inferior counting skills gets you owned by kindergarteners.
Someone picks on you, so you want their house to burn down? You sure you don’t want to bake their firstborn child into a pie and feed it to them while you’re a it? I mean seriously, show a little perspective, that’s a pretty disproportionate retribution. Especially since the guy in the comic looks like he’s 30 or 40.
Yes, let’s all throw out our childish, comic-reading ways. Life isn’t about enjoyment! It’s about taking every little thing seriously! Let’s all go out and get jobs as acountants! Right after I finish this pie, that is.
Someone is worried their house is getting burned down. But I prefer your pie idea. Got any kids?
I bet you read ctrl alt delete and complain that x-boxes dont talk…
But it is effective.
Yeah, but isnt this comic supposed to entertain you and make you forget your shitty life for a minute by making fun of every living thing? then why are you bitching?
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. He’ll have to pay a total of $5000 is he wants a reward like that.
Somebody CLEARLY isn’t very good at holding grudges.
Is that the latest edition of LadyMonsters in the back?
a keen eye you have, but did you notice the pringles logo was substituted for Murph’s head
I would shop so much at that store, I’d buy the shit out of everything there,
Troacctid was a bully in school.
Love the knowing smirk on the cashiers face. It screams “now comes the *best part* of my job!”
Can they just kick them in the nads? I’d go two hundred for that.
I heard this one guy had his house burnt down five times in the same week.
First rule of Rewards Club: Don’t talk about Rewards Club.
I genuinely, sincerely really do wish that such a reward club exists. That’s actually quite said, isn’t it?
The first rule of Rewards Club is….
In the top right corner of the shopping cart there is what appears to be a pink coconut or a bowling ball.
If this was a thing, I’d spend at least 500 dollars per visit.