And here’s a comic built for a Friday. Enjoy your weekend. It could be your last! Maybe!
Long time reader, first time commenter.
Just wanted to say I love your wacky, original sense of humor, and am amazed at how you never run out of ideas.
Will continue to read for a long time to come. Keep it up.
This is hands down one of the funniest strips on this site I have seen in a while. Beautiful. You just made sitting at work for the next few hours bearable.
Was “hands down” a pun?
I see what you accidentally did there.
You see this watch?
Oh don’t look worried, it wasn’t up my ass.
By far one of the most delectibly disturbing comics of late.
Then you read the hidden comic, and, uh…
The rolled up sleeves are a nice touch.
family reunions are always so awkward…
From the third panel to the hover text to the hidden comic, this comic is just perfect on so many levels.
I choked on my beer
That was one of your best yet! I like it! Death to all your enemies.
This…this is as emotionally shocking and slightly disturbing as it can get, while making me laugh. A lot.
best hover text I’ve ever had the pleasure to read
Find happy place… find happpppppy place!
Find “happy place” for “happy ending?”
I have a coupon: Redeemable for one “happy ending” during “happy hour” at “happy place”.
So are they not doing the long nipples anymore in their comics?
…and now my mind is ruined forever..
This one is really good, has one of the best hidden comic synergy.
keep up the amazing work, you seem to even be entertaining the terrorists!
I’m legitimately terrified of all these two-fingered people.
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Long time reader, first time commenter.
Just wanted to say I love your wacky, original sense of humor, and am amazed at how you never run out of ideas.
Will continue to read for a long time to come. Keep it up.
This is hands down one of the funniest strips on this site I have seen in a while. Beautiful. You just made sitting at work for the next few hours bearable.
Was “hands down” a pun?
I see what you accidentally did there.
You see this watch?
Oh don’t look worried, it wasn’t up my ass.
By far one of the most delectibly disturbing comics of late.
Then you read the hidden comic, and, uh…
The rolled up sleeves are a nice touch.
family reunions are always so awkward…
From the third panel to the hover text to the hidden comic, this comic is just perfect on so many levels.
I choked on my beer
That was one of your best yet! I like it! Death to all your enemies.
This…this is as emotionally shocking and slightly disturbing as it can get, while making me laugh. A lot.
best hover text I’ve ever had the pleasure to read
Find happy place… find happpppppy place!
Find “happy place” for “happy ending?”
I have a coupon: Redeemable for one “happy ending” during “happy hour” at “happy place”.
So are they not doing the long nipples anymore in their comics?
…and now my mind is ruined forever..
This one is really good, has one of the best hidden comic synergy.
keep up the amazing work, you seem to even be entertaining the terrorists!
I’m legitimately terrified of all these two-fingered people.