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Getting near that last push before holiday shipping deadlines! Check out our store for cool stuff to make you happy forever.
I remembered this movie from the first frame.
What is wrong with me.
Don’t worry, you’re not the only one, in fact the name by itself caused me to remember it right away.
Hey, what was the name of that movie?
It’s ok, I got the reference.
Beware the Rothschild counterattack.
Next time maybe try to change these funny looking numbers along the bottom…
WHAT MOVIE!? why do I feel dumb for not knowing?
Dr. Zhivago.
“Blank Check.” It’s a kids movie and probably not all that interesting if you lack the proper nostalgia goggles.
Probably one of the best summaries of the nostalgia effect I’ve seen
It was called “Short Circuit”
Might want to cheque your spelling there.
It’s check if you’re from the best country.
Cheque is how Brits and their ex-slaves spell it.
FYI, Americans spell it ‘Check’ and Americans are the ‘ex-slaves’ as you put it.
Canadians are ‘current slaves’ apparently
We call them cheques aswell.
In American English it’s check.
No one speaks that gibberish.
In french it’s “chèque”, but you probably don’t need to know it.
In wookie it’s “woograhrghughnaaaw”, but who cares, right?
TY hidden comic for making my day. I instantly thought of that movie w/ Malcom in the Middle kid and then was like “that movie is old, why would there be a comic about it now?”.
What Malcolm in the Middle kid are you talking about? I’ve never seen the movie (because I’m not old), but according to Wikipedia none of the actors were in Malcolm in the Middle.
You are obviously from this century. What he/she means is the actor of the main character, “Malcolm” in “Malcom in the Middle”, the 90’s tv show is the same one that acted as the main character in this movie.
Has it really been 18 years??? God, I’m old.
LOL. Well done! My coworker and I were talking about this movie on Monday so I say GREAT TIMING!
haha…. childhood ruined.
Oh man I loved that movie as a kid.
in the movie’s defense, they came up with a contrived coincidence for why the check worked, and actually addressed it as part of the plot For those asking what the film’s called. Clue’s in the first panel.
holly crap! I remember that movie from way back in the day. This has been one of the rare times I’ve gotten an American Culture reference in the first two frames.
Now if I could only remember the name of it.
If you took it to the drawing bank, I don’t think they would use the term bounced. They would tell you there were insufficient funds or simply that they couldn’t cash it for you.
If you deposited it, then people would say that it bounced when it was returned unpaid, but you wouldn’t find that out standing there.
Or you might know… when the FBI shows up.
To anyone wondering the name of the movie was simply “Blank Check” it came out in 1994 and starred Brian Bonsall
I feel so fucking old right now.
Best hidden comic in the universe.
Now to cheque my balance.
Man, if it wasn’t for the Nostalgia Critic I would’ve never gotten this joke.
Wow, this felt like a very Kris Straub comic. Are you sure this isn’t a crossover with Chainsaw Suit?
I watched this yesterday. It has been, and still will be my favorite movie.
Only 18 years? Wow, I suddenly not feel that old!
Hahahahaha, awesome