First comic of December! Such a significant milestone, we should throw a gigantic party! Eh, nevermind, that sounds like a lot of work.
First comic of December! Such a significant milestone, we should throw a gigantic party! Eh, nevermind, that sounds like a lot of work.
Hacking tip #42: memorize celebrity mother’s maiden names in the hopes that you’ll one day hack into the celebrity’s email.
Don’t forget to ask them about their first pet.
New temporary password is “1D107!”
Ah screw it, just make a new clubhouse
Hidden comic: Story of my life.
hidden comic hits hard in this one
Forgot old email password, attempt to reset it < the circles of Hell.
been catching up on this comic for the past couple weeks and can finally post comment replies without feeling like im raising the dead. now to catch up on boat crimes!
In all seriousness though websites that email passwords in plain-text should be decimated.
why would you want only 10% of them to be destroyed?
/original usage nazi
Very good.