You’re right, it makes no sense. If they were men made of caves, as you suggest, then I think the bird and the passengers of the plane should be the ones impressed.
I’m pretty sure it was usually three people, the first sees something unusual “Look, up in the sky!”
The guy next to him says basically “its a bird, what the hell are you freaking out about?”
The next guy says, “Nah bro, its a plane!”
Then the first guy is like “Idiots, why would I point out a bird or a plane, its freaking superman guys!”
Nobody pointed out the clouds. They’re so obtuse…
A hydrant!
A sidewalk!
A glass window!
A car!
That’s clearly a fire hydrant…not a guy…
cuz they obviously know things. theyre just learning.
Man, this always bothered me. I mean, why where the two first guys excited? Were they cavemen?
You’re right, it makes no sense. If they were men made of caves, as you suggest, then I think the bird and the passengers of the plane should be the ones impressed.
Rule 22: For every object there will eventually be a pervert for it.
See Rule 32. now I’m off to find a video camera…
For the good of the city, I shall join spiderman for faps
kind of reminds me of that joke about why the people who even said “Look! A Bird! A plane!” were so excited about, I guess now we know.
A comic!
An ASP book!
It’s a trap!
Look! it’s a comment!
Ah. The origin of ASP. Beautiful.
One does have to wonder what the first two in the classic phrase were excited about…
I enjoyed the fact that this showed up on my RSS feed as “Look! (No comments)”
They are understandably excited because they can still see things despite having no pupils in their eyes.
In the defense of hidden comic guy, it IS
I’m pretty sure it was usually three people, the first sees something unusual “Look, up in the sky!”
The guy next to him says basically “its a bird, what the hell are you freaking out about?”
The next guy says, “Nah bro, its a plane!”
Then the first guy is like “Idiots, why would I point out a bird or a plane, its freaking superman guys!”
Don’t forget the sidewalk!
The folks in Gotham City, on the other hand, are comparatively jaded.
Oh look… a bat. That is SO 1930’s
Person 1: Look!
Person 2: It’s a bird!
Person 3: It’s a plane!
Person 1 again: No, you idiots! It’s SUPERMAN!
People think person 2 is saying “Look!”. Person 1 is drawing people’s attention to Superman.
The hidden comic >>>>